
Saturday, 1 December 2018

Oh, you dipshit, Sexums

I just realized I never posted a message about my on-pause plans for Seupermax on here. I had a post written out, but I never... posted it... it's just sittin' there, unpublished... very smart. AT ANY RATE, Seupermax was on hold for several months while I learned how to use Unity, and now I've decided I'm done with the whole shebang. The following is from my post on Patreon, which will probably also be kaput by the time you read this.

'Hey, guys.

This post brings with it some sad news, so I won't waste time: I've decided to stop developing adult video games. Like, cold turkey. There are a number of interrelated reasons, but they ultimately boil down to the following four big ones:

1.) Constantly working on pornography is putting a strain on my personal and social life. Despite how lewd my games get I really don't like talking about this sort of stuff with my friends or family - especially family - and so I've kept my job a secret from basically everyone but my wife. This has forced me to remain guarded about almost my entire life for more than two years, now, and I don't want to maintain the facade anymore. I like to be honest, and lying constantly about what I do for a living has become... trying. Stressfully so. I keep having to blow people off to work on my games and give them bogus, fake-sounding reasons, and it's driving me bonkers. (My wife, too. She has to lie for me too often. It's not cool.)

2.) My life has become too busy to properly keep up with a build-every-two-weeks schedule. I have absolutely hated taking the last few months off to try and learn Unity, and while many of you have reminded me that you happily support me without constant output I can't get past my own self-imposed update guidelines. It's a mental thing that I just can't shake. Tack on the fact that I'm pretty sure I'll not have a build done by Christmas and you've got a solid recipe for mental disaster. (I probably shouldn't have moved away from text-based RPGs. Everything kinda went downhill from there, didn't it?)

3.) I'm just not earning enough money from making these games. That's a weird thing to say, too, because I am making a decent living each month - but I've found myself forced into a weird income bracket where I'm fine so long as I live in a basement apartment, but anything more than that and my bank account starts to tighten uncomfortably. The income from Patreon is sitting in a little niche, probably because pixel porn is sort of a niche market already, and I can't sit in that tax bracket forever. I want my puppy to have access to a goddamned window so he can stare outside whenever he likes, and with my current income that's not really an option. (And no, unfortunately, we can't move somewhere with cheaper rent. My wife's job is here. Not gonna make her move, she likes what she does.)

4.) I... I just don't want to draw porn anymore. It really comes down to that. I like the world I've created, but damned if I am not sick to death of coming up with new ways to make pixelated characters fuck over and over. I know, every job has its share of repetition, but I've slowly come to loathe these animations. Sex should be enjoyed, and I'm just not gettin' that enjoyment anymore. Hell, real life porn is starting to become just another tool for me to reference while creating my own animations, and that ain't right.

I've always wanted to make video games for a living, and I don't want to flush that dream down the toilet. As such I plan to spend the next year or more developing an all-ages video game that I can, hopefully, sell on a platform like Steam. I've been trying to do that in my off time for a while now, but working on adult games has effectively shoved that idea to the side, and I don't want to delay it any longer. Adult game development just feels like a rut, and I need to pick myself up out of the rut and move on. Hopefully someone who still has a real passion for the work can come along and take my place, giving all youse guys the wank-worthy experiences you deserve.

I am truly and supremely sorry for this, especially if you were eagerly awaiting the next build of Seupermax. It made for a fun learning experience, and I plan to use the skills I earned in my future games. (Assuming I can make a fair shake of competing for space in the crowded game dev market. We'll see about that.) I just can't keep trying to drag myself through the process of developing games for which I have roughly zero passion when they eat up basically all of my time. I miss having a normal life.

It was a (generally) fun ride while it lasted, and even though you won't necessarily know it's me behind the wheel, I hope you get the chance to play some more of my stuff in the future. You, ah, just won't have your dicks / vages (vagi?) out when you do. Or maybe you will, I dunno. I won't judge.


PS: As a parting gift, here's a bigass zip file with a ton of past bonus animations. I'm stopping the Patreon, but I don't want people to go without, so... you know. If I work up the moxie I might do the same for a lot of Simply Mindy animations in the future, though that is a daunting task I don't want to consider right now.

PPS: If things don't go well I will probably come crawling back and do porn again in a year or so. Just sayin', I won't rule it out. I like money and eating and a roof over my head and paying rent. Well, not paying rent, but you know what I mean.'


  1. Do you have a Discord? Or any other thing we can follow you at?

  2. Loved simply mindy, i get why u're leaving, and i don't blame you, i think u would be a great developer, please continue doing games, idc if they're porn or not, i love them.

  3. Porno or not, I'm 200% sure you'll be an awesome game developer. All the best.

  4. godspeed bro good luck to you and your family

  5. I played all of your games for years, and all i can say is that they are amazing, i would like to play any of your future games in Steam (buying them of course)

  6. Sexums, the best excuse is "I'm working on a game project, I need to get back to work on my project" (in my experience people never ask what the projects are. If they do you can give a basic description like "an Action adventure in flash" "it's not finished though."

    Where do you get your money from? "well I have some loyal donors. I mostly had to redo the work for their tastes." - this way if they actually find out what it is, you have an excuse "it wasn't originally meant to be adult but I couldn't get donors any other way, I just wanted to be a game developer and hentai pays."

    Theres always a way to strategically word yourself, plan ahead of time what sort of answers you will give the the expected questions about your work. -Joshex.

  7. I feel guilty now, I did not have time to support you on the Patreon. I ran into your works only in the fall. Damn, dude, you're so good at writing dialogues and all this stuff. I'm just in love with the universe you created. I even started drawing fanarts! I have three drawings in line right now. I really wanted to put aside more adrawings and show them to you in some way. I hope that I will still have a chanse, heh.
    Good luck to you.
    I really, really hope to see more art of yours someday. I will miss your art.

  8. Oh man :(. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for making all these games man. Really appreciated it. Good luck in your next endeavour.

  9. Wow, it's like hearing myself in a couple of years :D
    I really hope we can see you back in the adult game industry in the future. From what you wrote I can tell that you are a
    really nice guy and maybe we could work together in the future. Just a suggestion: What I did with my real life friends and
    family: I told them i'm working on something online which makes me money. I told my parents it's a video game (they would never search about it to play) :D
    and to my friends just that it's a project and that I don't want to share more about it.Leave them hanging, everyone loves a little mystery... Anyway, I hope you reconsider.

    1. By the way, I'm Nickfifa, creator of Elena's Life.

  10. Could you post seupermax 1.02 as a parting gift too? I would like to test the last dungeon.

  11. Don't worry it's normal to tired out , but by all means let us know about your next projects and if the lewd come back we will be pleased but by all means pursue your next big dream we will continue to support you!

  12. Do whatever makes you happy and thanks for everything you've created.

  13. its been fun folowing your work i hope you all the best and hell if you get a game on steam give us a hint its you id haply drop a minimum of £30 on what ever you put out

  14. I've enjoyed the hell out of the games you've made. It's tough to see you go, but I completely understand your reasons for doing so. I hope your next projects are fulfilling, and if you work on them as hard as you worked on these, I'm sure you'll make something for which you can be proud.

  15. Damn I enjoyed your work. I love your work. I saw this on your patreon and never had a chance to say anything. I hope you return for selfish reasons but i hope you find happiness in whatever you end up doing. And hell, maybe you could sell the story to some upstart to keep it going and further your dreams. just an idea

  16. Hey Sexums, not sure if you'll even read this, but I just want to say, thank you. I started following you during Simply Mindy, and from there on, it was just a wild ride. I played through all of Soo Cubus too. You have a lot of talent, and I wish you the best. I'll be looking out for you on Steam. You have all my support for all the effort you put in.

  17. Can suggest you create an Android version on your work,

  18. How do i access Simply Mindy?


  19. I wish you luck Your game is really good.

  20. Ah, I was wondering, after playing Soo Cubus and Simply Mindy, where you'd ended up, so this is what happened. That's a bit sad considering these were unironically two of the best porn games ever made.

    In fact, since they're so good, I really wouldn't mind playing a non-pornographic game from you, I mean sure these games are a grindy hell (pun totally intended) but for hell they sure are really enjoyable :D

    It's a darn shame you're not sharing with us who you're developing games as, since I'd totally rush out and buy the shit out of whatever you've made. Either way, I sure hope you stopped using flash, that thing was going out of style like a decade ago already ;)

  21. I like to visit here occasionally, see how this place is holding up. In all honesty it makes me happy to see you’ve more than confidently moved on. As much as I love the niche you fit yourself into, I think it’s important you found what you loved more. But damn you! You better not tell us first when you put a game up on steam!

  22. This is why i never support indie games on patreon, god knows whenever the soul will just give up and leave the whole project k.i.a

  23. enjoyed all your content thoroughly, shame to see you leave it behind, but you have valid reasons. Hopefully you're a lot happier with your life now, and I hope you achieve your dream to put out a game for all-ages :D

  24. Man it’s super sad to see such a great developer go if by any chance you’re seeing this thank you for creating those games I just found out about them today and I love them all wish you the best, and to anyone else who found out about this developer after they quit making adult games just like me (holding back tears) don’t cry because it’s over smile because it happened

  25. Well, that's a shame.
    Was curious to know why there was only one female model in his games, but multiple dozens of designs for males...

  26. hope you are doing allright.

  27. Hope you are making lots of money and paying your rent! With flash (swf) not being supported is there another way to play?

  28. Download the adobe debugger for your system (lyn, max, windows etc) and drag the simply mindy file (once you have downloaded it) into the window and it will start right up and work as intended.

  29. I wish I knew what they moved onto doing, although I can see why they wouldn't want that connection to exist. I genuinely enjoyed the gameplay of Simply Mindy, came for the adult aspect stayed for the gameplay tbh

  30. Hope u well, for real - bests game ever made
