
Saturday, 30 December 2017

Simply Mindy 2.5.0 / 2.7.0 Preview / Fanart Finally

Sorry for lateness, guys. Seems like it happens a lot, lately. Mixture of weird personal stuff (my grandmother kicked my laptop down a flight of stairs and broke it?), the holidays, and the game becoming increasingly complex.


At long last, contests are fully-implemented in this build. All four of the seasonal contests are up and running. They include:

- The usual wet t-shirt contest, with some new contestants;
- A button-tapping, cum-rising, heat resisting contest;
- A modeling contest, where you pick an outfit and a pose for Mindy and she does the rest; and
- A quiz. Get questions wrong and Mindy gets dipped into a vat of tentacles. Guess what happens to her then.

Aside from a little glitch in the quiz where some of the questions don't appear (which has been fixed in a later build), it's all good. There's also a new ending tied to the contests, because of course there is, and the next build has two more contest-related endings.

2.7.0 Preview

Not up yet, as of this message, but soon. It's a complicated one.

2.7.0 is a Soo-centric build, so fans of Soo Cubus should get a kick outta this one. It covers the Prostitute and Arm Candy storylines, which squirm together and build into a battle against another NPC. Choose your faction based on decisions made throughout the two storylines and see who comes out on top. This build includes:

- Two heavily-related storylines that come together and interweave;
- A new NPC to face off against Soo (no, not that dude above, he's just involved);
- Eight (!) new sleepover sexy-sexy animations for Soo and the newcomer, depending on which side you ultimately choose for Mindy;
- Seven new endings, five related to the Soo stuff, two for the Arm Candy and Prostitute jobs alone; and
- A basic tower defence minigame that pops up if you side with Soo. If you don't you instead get a battle, which is less interesting, but still a thing.

It's still underway, but I'm hoping to have this bad boy up before I go to bed tonight. Barring that, sometime later today (Sunday). So if you jump on Patreon to get it, you might need to wait a little while.

Guy Gin!


Yep, I'm a dick. I finally got around to posting the fanart that has been accumulating for the last few months. I've sent messages to everyone who sent the pics along, and posted 'em on the fanart page. I'll made a more concerted effort to wade through the ridiculous amount of email in my inbox on a regular basis so these don't slip through the cracks again.

If you sent art and I missed it, please resend it. I promise I'll be good this time maybe.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Simply Mindy 2.4.0 / 2.6.0 Preview / Poll Results

Oh my god, I got it done on time this week. Kinda. If 4 am-ish is considered 'on time'. I dunno. When you're your own boss the lines about that shit get kinda fuzzy.

Simply Mindy 2.4.0

This week's public build revolves entirely around JizzBiz, the blind-blonde-bombshell who, uh, 'runs' Hell's gloryholes. I guess you can run a gloryhole. You get the usual bunch of shiznit with her:

- Four new sexy animations with JizzBiz if you make her a 'lover', though there's a bit of a spin on that this time 'round;
- A branching storyline, which, again, is a bit different from the norm - you'll see what I mean when you get into it; and
- Four new endings. Three for JizzBiz, one for the Gloryhole job.

Yep. Sounds standard, operates a bit differently. JizzBiz has been neglected for a good long while, so hopefully y'all enjoy the conclusion of her story. (Her sisters get in on it a bit, too, if you like the whole family.)

Simply Mindy 2.6.0 Preview

This week's Patreon build adds a few new features to the game, one of which involves the images above:

- First up are Minor Crises. Minor Crises are semi-daily stat challenges that allow Mindy to battle everyday life in Hell. You encounter a crisis, you pick one of three stats to resolve it, you see how you do. There are different animations dependant on how well it all goes. And yes, the three peeps above are from the Minor Crises. Not a massive addition, but fun - and an alternative for building up your stats.
- Second are Titles. Titles are items, of sorts, which grant bonuses when equipped. Most of them at the moment grant Mindy an extra point in a particular stat when equipped, again, as an alternative means of stat building over simple grinding. Titles can be either purchased or won via ending bonuses.
- Third is Carla, a semi-schooling NPC who allows you to both swap stats (2:1 ratio) and purchase Titles. And yes, Carla will probably appear in sexy scenes in the future. I wouldn't throw a girl into the game and not show her having sex at some point.

Oh, and two more endings. Just because.

That's that. Whaddya waiting for? $2 is so little.

Poll Results

Last week's poll looked inward, and I gave my precious Patrons the option to choose between a whole bunch of Sooniverse girls. Top three wound up in a threesome together.

So... they chose... Mindy... and another version of Mindy... and a girl who might as well be Mindy.


At least I know Mindy is popular, yeah?

Build Schedule / Apologies

Another month-long build time is coming up, so the next build release is gonna be late in December, four weeks from now. Holidays, you know. Not much point trying to cram in a smaller build. That said, the next one is going to be a double-decker storyline for Soo, so that'll be fun.

I also need to apologize to those who have sent me fanart. My email account gets a few dozen emails every day, and several fanart messages got buried in all the Patreon stuff. I'm going to update the devblog a bit over the holidays, and once I do I'll add the fanart. Again, many apologies to those of you who submitted art. It's all pretty swag stuff.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Simply Mindy 2.3.0 / 2.5.0 Preview / Poll Results

Sorry for lateness, guys. 2.5.0 ran me into some severe overtime. Finally got done with those damned contests, though... more on that below. First!


The newest public build is good for job-lovers, as it's the final job! Huzzah! This one casts Mindy as a geisha in the house of a burly ol' feudal lord with nice pecs. You get the following:

- All eight goddamned season animations - not sure if I've ever managed to do that in a single build before;
- The first chunk of the NPC story associated with the newest guy; and
- The ability to make said newest guy into a lover, along with one animation.

I'm looking forward to finishing this particular story up. It gives not only one of the (in my opinion) neater NPCs lots to do, it also gives Lil D a lot to do. And I do so enjoy writing Lil D. He's such an asshole.

2.5.0 Preview

Y'know that cut scene that you probably all skip over by now that takes you into a wet t-shirt contest? Good news: the cut scene is gone! The wet t-shirt contest is still there, though, and it's accompanied by three more seasonal contests! The new contests in 2.5.0 include:

- An Overheating contest, where Mindy and another contestant try to hold out against the irrepressible heat of rising jizz;
- A Modelling contest, where you pick a costume (like the one above, my personal favourite) and a pose for Mindy and watch her strut about against other competitors for points; and
- A Quiz contest that will test your knowledge of the Sooniverse. Mindy is suspended over a pit of happy tentacles, and the more questions you get wrong, the closer she gets to slimy happy time.

Also, the wet-t contest. It has two more competitors. That is also a thing. Shiny tits, anyone?

Patreon. Right now. You know the scam. Do it up.

Poll Results

Last week's poll was all about anime girls, and the winner was a classic: Bulma, from Dragonball. Thus, she got a buncha animations of herself in different hairstyles, boffing a variety of DB/Z/S alumni.

All the more poignant since her Japanese VA just died.

So... uh...

That's... awkward. Still, spank material?


Friday, 3 November 2017

Friday, 20 October 2017

Simply Mindy 2.1.0 / 2.3.0 Preview / Poll Results

What ho. New build has arrived for all you freebie players out there, and, lo and behold, it's the much-anticipated third dungeon. Let's jump into it.


As with the first two dungeons, the third is jam-packed with new stuff - and rightly so, since I put two builds' worth of shiznit into it. You can look forward to the following:

- Six new enemies to fight, each with two sexy animations;
- Three new bosses, mostly done;
- Four new NPC-related quests, tied to either bosses, items, or both; and
- A bunch of empty space to explore. It'll get filled up as I fill out the game.

The monsters mostly made it into the brothel, though there were a few minor malfunctions in the gallery, so the flying dicks (there are flying dicks) aren't there until the next build. No worries, they aren't hard to find. There are also a few other bugs that have been largely (I think) smoothed out since this release, though feel free to comment and I'll see if they're still in the current build or not.

Also included is the elements system, whereby you can apply fire, water, air, or earth to Mindy's weapons and armour. Doesn't work on the armour in this build, but you can see some particle effects for your troubles.

2.2.0 builds onto the dungeon more and adds several endings, so if you enjoy this one you should like that one as well.

2.3.0 Preview

Moving past the dungeon and into storyline territory again, 2.3.0 adds - wait for it - the final job! yaaaaay! Took fuckin' long enough. Players can now enjoy watching Mindy get plowed as a Geisha. There's also a chunk of the NPC storyline added on, and you can make the new guy a lover, per the norm. I rather like how he's shaping up thus far.

Also? All eight Geisha animations are in there already. Done. Finito. Because I care. I care so much. You know you want that shiznit, and plenty more, for a paltry $2.


Polling Results

If you want to donate $3 on Patreon instead, you can also get your hands on the winnings from last week's user poll! It was sexy toon-related, and Kim Possible won. So. If you like sometimes redheads, sometimes brunettes, you know where to go.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Simply Mindy 2.0.5 / 2.2.0 Preview / New Patreon Tier

My god, I'm not writing an update at 7 am. It's only 2:43 am. I'm improving.


This is a biggun, and it was crazy enough that it drove me to require a vacation. The whole danged thing revolves around completing the storylines of two characters: Farmer John, proprietor of the zombie farm, and Seu, the busty girl behind the Cabaresque. You get the following from the build:

- The branching stories of both characters, which fly in all sorta different directions;
- Nine new endings - John gets four, Seu gets three, and each of their jobs gets one;
- A bunch more battles for the two scenarios, which may or may not come up depending on your decisions; aaaaaand
- Fixes. The .5, uh, may have been the result of staying up until, like, 48 hours or so to get the build done. It was not a fun time, let me tell you.

2.2.0 Preview

Soo Cubus players may remember this oily lass. Or not. Did you play on Hard Mode? That thing I still need to fix?

2.2.0 was originally going to be 2.1.5, and I was going to release a smaller 2.2.0, but voters on Patreon convinced me to just do another full build instead. As a result 2.2.0 is another dungeon-centric build:

- Adds two more NPC quests to the third dungeon;
- Adds two more bosses to the third dungeon, as part of those quests;
- Adds the two remaining Beasts to the game, both girly-girls;
- Adds five new endings, three related to the Beasts, and two related to an area I'd blocked off earlier; aaaaand
- Fixes some shit I did wrong in the last build. Not everything, but some.

It's a solid build that adds some confusing shiznit to the cosmology of the Sooniverse. And it can be yours, for a low, low price of $2!

New Patreon Tier

Look familiar? It should! This sprite is one frame of a Patreon-exclusive redo that I threw out as a sample of a new Patreon tier I'm going to fully implement on Monday. It's a $3 tier which will gift donors with a new animation every non-build week. These (likely) won't go into the games, but will instead allow donors to participate in themed polls and vote on what they want to see. One week you might be voting on your favourite classic porno setup, for example, while the next you'll be deciding which Sooniverse character should get banged by Link, Hero of Time. The possibilities aren't endless, but they're legion.

I'll set up the tier now so anyone who wants to get in on it can, and on Monday I'll throw out the first poll for all youse $3 donors. You know you waaaaannaaaaa!

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Simply Mindy 1.9.0 / 2.1.0 Preview

Hey guys. A little late, I know, but that's kinda par for me. A little late... but not too late. You might even call it acceptably late. I would, at least.

We'll get into the lateness in a minute. First, your free shiznit.


This instalment was supposed to be another storyline one, involving Cabaresque star Seu, but I lost a shit-ton of progress in the middle of it, got frustrated, and put it off until 2.0.0. Consequently, this one is all about new animations. Quick, easy, and sexy.

You'll find the following new animations in this one:

- Three new sexy sleepover animations for Seu;
- The rest of Aember's schooling animations;
- Six new animations for Arm Candy; and
- Four new Prostitute animations. In other words, lots of Soo-related stuff. And yes, she gets involved once or twice.

That's it? That's it. Doesn't seem like much, but it feels like a lot of work when you're half-watching Netflix for days on end.

2.1.0 Preview

The new Patreon build, by contrast, is hella big. It features:

- The third dungeon, in all its stony glory;
- Six new 'normal' monsters to fight, complete with all their sexy animations;
- Three new bosses, also with sexy sexiness;
- Four new quests; and
- I dunno, what the hell else do you want? It's a dungeon. People love dungeons.

What's more, the dungeon is going to feature a sort of semi-DLC this coming week, as I didn't finish everything I wanted. So the list above is going to grow, including more bosses, two new endings, and a few more quests. Lots to done, not enough time in life to do it.




Such a teensy amount, yeah?

(Just keep in mind I'm still working on the damned thing as of this posting, so if you immediately rush to play... well... just keep in mind I've barely slept the last three days! Yay for testing!)

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Dungeon the third.

The third dungeon progresses well, and I figured I'd give y'all a small taste of what's to come. The next build (2.1.0? I think? Off the top of my head?) is gonna have:

- Five or six new basic monsters to boff;
- Around the same number of bosses (and I'm sure more will be added as I complete more storylines);
- More items;
- Mechanics I should've completed a while ago;
- Nudity. Surprise.

The geography is going to be somewhat similar to the first dungeon, at least outdoors, though the indoors is more regal lookin' than that crappy ol' church. It even has fancy torches with particle effects. I'm so proud of those torches.

... now, if only I could make mountains look less square... really need to work on that...

Monday, 28 August 2017

Simply Mindy 1.8.0 / 2.0.0 Preview / Hiatus

Howdy, y'all. Sorry for the late arrival. I wound up going waaaaay overboard on 2.0.0. We'll talk about that in a bit. First, the freebie.


This week's build brings in the second-to-last job in the game: a Cabaret / Burlesque establishment, meshed into a single monstrosity I call the 'Cabaresque'. I've typed that word so many times now that I think it's real. At any rate, you'll get the following in this build vis a vie the Cabaresque:

- A new NPC, and the first of her sexy sexy animations if you decide to woo her (which you should - this build has a 'No' option, and it leads to a stone wall);
- Six out of eight seasonal animations for the Cabaresque itself - turns out drawing sprites that sway seductively in circles is really damned hard, so I didn't get all of 'em done;
- The first bit of Cabaresque storyline; and
- Off to the side, the rest of Ink's sex animations. Remember Ink? The teacher in green? Really likes anal? He continues to like anal.

Also included are several fixes - the Seduction animations should all be fixed now, I added a clock to the dungeons so you get a better sense of how much time you have left, the spa background appearing in the gallery is fixed, and a bunch of other little things got fixes. I also cut down on the file size fairly substantially, so loading shouldn't take too long - thoooough with the latest builds it's creeping way back up there again. Mo animations, mo problems.

2.0.0 Preview

Hawt, right? Hawt.

Though I'm actually still working on the goddamned thing, 2.0.0 is on the verge of completion. Just testing the scenarios at this point. Should be done by the time most of you show up. I've barely slept in the last three days, and have lived off pop, toast, old noodles, and Cheetos. I think I can see through time.

2.0.0 is pretty fucking massive from a storyline standpoint, as it features not one but two completed storylines, both branching as usual. Newcomer Seu from the Cabaresque is now done, and good ol' Farmer John is also finished. You'll get the following if you chip into my Patreon:

- Nine new goddamned endings;
- Five new battles, two of which are incorporated into the DirtFeast brothel;
- Enough fresh witty / retarded writing to fit into a novel; and
- The tattered shreds of my sleep schedule. It is dust, my friends, dust.

Yep. Looks like a small list, but there's a looooot of extra game play in this one. If you enjoy my stupid stories, you should like this build. $2!


Yes, that dreaded word. WooooOooooOoo! Scary.

Don't worry. My hiatus is actually more of a vacation. September is only going to have one build, around this same time next month. Two reasons why:

- I need a fuckin' vacation. I'm beat. Especially after 2.0.0. I want to unhook for a while and not be a dirty, dirty dev. Four or five days completely disconnected from Simply Mindy should do.

- 2.1.0 is going to be the third dungeon. Considering all the shit I added to the combat system with the second dungeon, and all the other stuff besides, I imagine I'm going to need at least an extra week to get it up to spec. My level of spec, anyway, which is... something. So I'll skip the next build and just shove, like, three and a bit weeks' of work into 2.1.0. Should be lotsa fun.

Ayup. Hope y'all enjoy 1.8.0 in the meantime, and perhaps even 2.0.0, if you are kind enough to hurl some internet monies at me. Enjoy!

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Delay delay delay.

For those hopefuls who are anxiously awaiting the next build, it won't be out until Sunday. Monday at the latest. Really hoping it doesn't come to Monday. Apologies, but the Patreon build is requiring a helluva lot of work. See you then.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Simply Mindy 1.7.0 / 1.9.0 Preview

Yo yo yo. Two weeks, new build, that's the score. Here's what to expect.


This week's version of Simply Mindy covers the storyline of Chico, proprietor of the Cosplaying job. It grants the usual plethora of new stuff:

- Branching storyline with two potential directions to go;
- Four new endings / ending animations, three of which relate to Chico's storyline and one to the Cosplaying job;
- All four sexy animations with Chico if you make him into Mindy's lover; and
- Expressions. For Chico. I like expressive characters.

Also included is an Items / Options screen where you can, among other things, disable some of the effects that commonly cause lag, along with a few other fixes. Ayup.

1.9.0 Preview

A lot of things behind the scenes went wrong this week - my drawing tablet crapped out a few hours ago, yaaaaaay - so this build turned into an animations-filled fuckfest. And that's what a lot of you are here for, so I guess that works, right? This includes:

- Three new sex animations for Seu, the bespectacled lass introduced in 1.8.0;
- Six new animations for the Arm Candy job;
- Four new animations for the Prostitute job (aren't they all the Prostitute job, really?); and
- Two new animations for Aember, including one that didn't make it into 1.8.0 even though it was done, so I guess technically three new animations

For a grand total of sixteen new animations. Not bad, eh? Eh? Especially since I pulled together half of 'em in the last three days? You know you want them now. You know it. Just $2, folks! Patreon waits!

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Simply Mindy 1.6.0 / 1.8.0 Preview / Flash is Defunct, Y'all

Heydy hey. New build time, as usual. We've got another new storyline this time 'round, so hold onto your butts.


This build revolves around Shirley, the landlady who keeps an eye on Mindy's rent. She was previously a one-animation lover, and now she has a full-on, branching story for you to play through. This includes the following:

- Four new endings, three related to Shirley and one for not paying rent;
- Three new sexy animations with Shirley; and
- A new battle. Because why not.

Before the comments start to fly, you can get at Shirley's storyline by not paying your rent for several days. No one remembers Shirley. Stupid Landlord in Soo Cubus never had this problem...

Also included are two new Ghostings animations for the Maid job, background characters for the Maid job (press the elevator button to make them appear); hints in the Endings Gallery to give you a small idea of how to get each one; and a bunch of little tweaks, including adjusting the Seduction animations for a bunch of the enemies. The next build (1.8.0) finishes them off.

Speaking of which...

1.8.0 Preview

In this brand-new instalment of Simply Mindy we jump into a new job! Took long enough. This one is a Cabaret / Burlesque kinda place, and Mindy will get to jump on stage in a corset and flaunt her goods. The girl above is her emcee, and, yes, her suspenders are inadequate to hide her nipples.

(Seu is actually repurposed from another portrait I drew waaaaaay back before the first build. The main difference is that Seu's breasts are much bigger. Hence...)

This build has the following:

- Six animations for the new job;
- One new animation for Seu, once you turn her into a lover (which means there is also a chunk of the storyline available);
- Four new animations for the School, three for Ink and one for Aember; and
- A whole buncha bug fixes.

Yep. Considering the number of times I got sidetracked the last two weeks I got a fair amount done. Two measly bucks and it is yours!

Flash is Defunct, Y'all

So Flash is dying. Didya know that?

I'm hardly surprised. Flash has been on the decline for years, now, and I knew when I started using Stencyl that its death was imminent. For the good, too - Flash is decent for what it is, but it has lots of security holes, and serious devs have been moving on to bigger and better things for a while now. Probably time I do the same.

I'm not sure when quite yet - maybe in October or November - I plan on taking a two-month-ish break from Simply Mindy in order to learn a new game-making program, most likely GameMaker. I've been eying it for a while now, and have it installed on my computer already. Just need to make the jump. So during that time frame I'm going to make a smaller, practice-run sexy game - I'm thinking a platformer - to get used to GameMaker.

This does not mean Simply Mindy is dead by any means. Stencyl has the capacity to port games to other platforms besides Flash... you just need to pay for a licence. When the time comes I will do this. And, honestly, I'd already planned on taking a Mindy break to try out GameMaker, and the news about Flash is just weird timing that forced my hand. I will finish Mindy, and it will be great, or at least it will be probably better than Soo Cubus. (Stylistically, at least, I'd say it already is.)

So yeah. News about all that shiznit will come in the next few months. In the meantime, have fun with Mindy.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Simply Mindy 1.5.0 / 1.7.0 Preview

Sorry for the lateness, guys. Keeps happening, I know... how dare I take an extra day... blame a big power outage. It fucked me over. I can't draw pixel tits in a coffee shop.


I was sick during the second week of this build - very sick - so I focused more on programming stuff. Hence you wind up with a build that is about evenly split between drawn stuff and vocalized moaning:

- The first big addition is that of little background dudes on the main menu. Each season now has five or six randomized background characters who will pop up and make things a little more interesting when you're between jobs. Gives the world a bit more flair. Mindy also changes positions when she's pondering atop her building, depending on the season, and she has more sexy partners which also change by the season. I'm slowly gonna add background guys to each of the jobs, as well.

- The second big addition is that of sounds. Mindy now moans a lot when she's having sex. Only Mindy moans, so don't expect to hear Shay or Cherry or whatnot vocalizing. Don't want everyone to have the same voice actress. There are sound controls under the Stats menu on the main screen; as of 1.7.0 they've been moved to a different screen.

This feature is in a semi-functional / 'meh' phase. It works well for some poses, not so much for others. I'm hoping to focus a lot of time on it for 1.8.0, 'cause some of Mindy's vocalizations just don't work all that well.  Probably need to shorten some of the sound clips.


Chico! This week's Patreon-only version jumps all over the dapper king of cosplay in Hell. Comes with the usual assortment of storyline stuff:

- A branching plot that goes in a few potential different directions;
- Four new endings / ending animations;
- Four sexy animations between Mindy and Chico (like the above);
- Four new animations for the Cosplaying job; and
- Little tweaks to other stuff.

It's a fun story with some implications for the future. Because, yes, even though there are lots of side stories and endings and shit, Simply Mindy does have an overarching plot. Gonna take a while before it really starts to rear its head, though.

Friday, 30 June 2017

Simply Mindy 1.4.0 / 1.6.0 Preview

Ahoy. I come bearing a new build, and this one is a pretty fun one, if I say so meself. (Well, okay, two builds, but ya gots ta pay for t'other.)


This week's public build focuses more or less exclusively on Skully, guard of the Walls. You'll get the following this time 'round:

- A branching storyline, more or less from start to finish;
- Four sexy animations between Skully and Mindy, assuming you decide to woo her;
- Four new endings, three related to Skully and one to just the Guard job in general; and
- Two new battles.


- Two new Ghostings animations for the Guard job;
- Fixed a few dungeon-related bugs;
- Fixed the placement of a few janky enemies during combat, though I know for a fact that I haven't got them all (some got address in 1.6.0 but I ran out of time); and
- Fixed up some quest log glitches.

It's a good'un, I daresay.


This is Shirley. Have you met Shirley before? Of course you have, you've watched the intro. Shirley's the landlady, and Mindy's relationship with her is the focus of this build. Don't worry if you're not a GILF-lover, either, as she gets much sexier if you play your cards right. Like, young and nubile sexy.

... though still a ghost.

This week's Patreon-exclusive build features the following:

- Three new sex animations with Shirley;
- A ton more storyline stuff;
- Four new endings;
- A new battle;
- Two new Maid animations; and
- Bug fixes. There are always bug fixes.

Yep. Patreon. $2. The price of a coffee for pixel bewbs a month early.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Re: A Quest

Regarding the Camwhore quest with the four pieces of stone. I've seen a few comments and gotten an email saying that you've gotten all four pieces but nothing has happened. I've tested the game and it all works fine for me, so I can only assume two things are happening:

- You're playing on an older save game. In order to refresh the variables you sometimes need to start anew. Get an ending and try again on another go-through.

- You spotted the quest on one playthrough, didn't manage to get all of the pieces on that playthrough, started over, and then didn't proceed through the quest up until the point that the computer has made its request. You need to do this or the completion of the quest won't trigger.

The only other potential possibility is that you're skipping through the end of the quest's two fights so quickly that the variables aren't being triggered properly, but I doubt that's the issue. Still, giving the game an extra second or two just to be sure can't hurt. Same goes for the two conversations that are part of the quest, assuming you zip right to the Skip button.

I don't remember any problems with the Patreon crew when this build first came out last month, and there have been few complaints about this issue beyond what I noted above, so I'm assuming the people having trouble are falling into one of those two categories. Sorry if you keep having problems, but I've tested and dived into the code and everything checks out.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Simply Mindy 1.3.0 / 1.5.0 Preview


This build is low on new stuff - no new storylines - but high on spank material. There are two reasons for this:

- There are a bunch of new animations for the teachers. Aember has also been added into the mix. Cherry, JizzWhiz, and Gloo are all done, and Punch Drunk got two more animations. Lots spooge material in there.

- The brothel has been expanded. It now has a second floor, and when you go there during Darkly you can find a gallery for all the monsters you can fight in the dungeon. Normal monsters are added when you kill five of one type; bosses are added when you take them down once. So long as you don't erase your save these gallery additions will carry over to new games.

Simply but effective. Have fun with all the monster luv.

As for bugs... the seduction system is still riddled with 'em. Next time I take a deep dive into the RPG stuff I'll address these. The monster placements should be nice and clean for the gallery, though.

1.5.0 Preview

I'll be honest, I'm too fuckin' tired to lay out a song-and-dance to snag your money this week. Here are the salient points:

- Six new 'can't pay your rent' animations. Yes, including sultry hobos.
- Tons of background stuff flying all over the main menu, some sexy, some silly, some both.
- Sound. Sound. Mindy moans and everything.

Yep. That sums up 1.5.0. $2 and it's yours right now, folks. You know you wanna pay for the pizza I'm totally going to order right now.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Simply Mindy 1.2.0 / 1.4.0 Preview

Tired. So tired. Let's get to it.


This build consists of a fairly major overhaul of the combat system, and brings with it a new set of moves under the Seduction family. These allow Mindy to seduce monsters in combat and lower their stats, steal shit, and other stuff. You can learn Seduction moves from Aember, a new schooling NPC who has been added to the dungeons. (And she makes her teaching appearance in 1.3.0.)

Seduction moves added a toooon of new animations for the monsters, so you'll have plenty of new spank material. That said, some of the positioning in this build is still a bit off (hell, it's still off in fuckin' 1.4.0), so you may see the occasional enemy not appearing as they should. I'm planning a major polishing of all this for either next week's Patreon build or the next.

In addition to Seduction:

- There's now also a meter that fills up on the side, either from failed Seduction moves or enemy attacks. If it hits four fails you get an alternate sex animation. Note that not every enemy gets this.

- A few new spells. Only one left to go. Per usual, they are largely sexy in nature.

- The enemies are a bit more robust, and universally have more moves.

- There are four new quests, two per dungeon. Two of these quests allow you to unlock Seduction moves.

- The CamWhore storyline - or its beginnings - are now in place. The lumps of rock you've found in earlier quests now have a purpose. Collect them all!

Yep. Lots of new stuff to see. And if you get annoyed trying to trigger the alt sex animations, don't worry - there's a gallery coming in 1.3.0 that makes it much easier to view them.

Known Bugs

A few notes for 1.2.0, off the top of my head:

- As mentioned, some of the animation alignments are probably a little wonky.

- Submitting to FrogLord or giving in to lust 'round him will freeze the game. Kill him normally to avoid this. (Yes, you can fight FrogLord.) This has been fixed.

- Talking to JizzWhiz in DirtFeast can get you stuck in a wall when you leave the conversation. If this happens, go into the inventory screen (click the bag at the top) and use Escape Dungeon. This has been fixed.

- Backing on one of the buttons in combat disappears for some reason. No biggie.

- The A button doesn't fade properly in most of the dungeon sections. I still can't figure out why it works okay for the first dungeon and not the rest. Largely harmless.

- There are some invisible quest NPCs in BloodOrb Forest that you can detect if you get close enough. They appear as part of a quest. Interacting with them doesn't really do anything - just bear in mind that's probably what you're hitting if the A button thing appears and you don't know why.


Remember her? That one cut scene and that one sex scene? Yep. Skully now has her full storyline, including:

- Four lover animations;
- A bunch of cut scenes;
- Two new boss battles; and
- Four new endings, all pertaining to the Guard job.

It's a fun expansion. Skully is nifty. She and Mindy should hang out more. And for a mere $2...!

Friday, 19 May 2017

Simply Mindy 1.1.0 / 1.3.0 Preview


The long-awaited second dungeon has arrived for public consumption, at long last. The stuff you can expect:

- Five new ordinary monsters, complete with new sexy animations;

- Four new boss monsters, also with sexy animations, including another uber monster tied to an ending (a bad one, but still);

- Four quests, two of which are seasonal;

- A little side brothel full of little NPCs doin' the nasty (and some day you'll get to interact with more of 'em, I promise);

- Treasure chests full of items which you can equip, which also heralds the coming of weapons, armour, and accessories;

- A new combat backdrop; and

- A tweaked combat rate. In this build it's a touch too high; I'm gonna mess with this going forward to find a good balance, as it was too light before.

1.3.0 Preview

Patreon? Patreon. Donors are getting a smaller build than this one, but with two juicy changes:

- The brothel now functions as a gallery for monster encounters. The second floor has most of the monsters in mini-sprite form, and you can wander around and boff them as you see fit. No time limit!

- The teachers now have a bunch of new animations: two new ones for JizzWhiz, two for Punch Drunk, three for Cherry, three for Gloo, and one for Aember, a brand-spankin' new teacher who showed up in 1.2.0.

$2! So cheap!

Known Bugs

Some things I'll point out now for 1.1.0:

- The pink backdrop for the dungeon's indoors bit appears everywhere in Darkly, not just in the brothel. It should only appear in the brothel.

- There are water droplets aplenty in Ghostings. The game doesn't like the extra layers, so you'll see the occasionally box appear as you pass these droplets. I need to shift the water to different layers to get rid of this but it'll take a lot of dungeon restructuring, so, fuck it. Next time.

- There is no fade out / fade in when travelling between doors on the same map. Fixed in 1.2.0.

- The minor enemies sometimes have weirdly-timed attacks, and it will look like they should be spitting / launching something that doesn't appear. Kinda fixed in 1.2.0 but not really.

- Dungeon descriptions don't appear properly on the main menu. Shrug. Not a big deal. (Though after a month I still haven't figured out why this happens.)

- Equipping the accessories is the tiniest bit janky. If you click the same accessory twice it'll be equipped twice - but you only get the effects once. The accessories you equip are highlighted in colour so it's pretty obvious which ones you have on, so this is generally inconsequential.

- If you keep tapping an equipped sword / piece of armour the icon will eventually turn white. Because why the hell not. Equipping something else changes it back to normal.

- Not an bug, per se, but an important note: the A button that pops up when you approach items of note doesn't appear in the new dungeon, nor does it with the new chests in the first dungeon. Still janky in 1.3.0, and I'm struggling to figure out why it works in one dungeon but not the other.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Been asked this a few times, so...

Yes. The teachers are most definitely getting more animations.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Simply Mindy 1.0.5 / 1.2.0 Preview

Better late than never. Unlike 1.2.0, which was too gigantic an update for my own good, 1.0.5 is fairly small. You get some new animations aaaaaaand that's about it? Yes, I think that's about it. Specifically:

- Two new Ghostings animations for Camwhore;

- Two new Ghostings animations for Farmer;

- Two new MegaHot animations for Guard, one of which might be my favourite animation thus far (Mindy don't take no shit while she's eating ice cream);

- Six new animations for Gloryhole, which just finished the job up; and

- Four new animations (MegaHot and Ghostings) for Mascot.

Also added facial expressions for Lil D in cut scenes - huge deal, that, huge - and fixed a bunch of bugs. Do enjoy.

1.2.0 Preview

This one was about a thousand times more ambitious than the last one, and tossing in two bucks to my Patreon will get you the following:

- The Seduction system in combat, allowing Mindy to woo enemies in battle to her advantage using Fuckability - though at a potential price if she fails;

- A bunch of new animations for most of the monsters associated with Seduction;

- Four new quests, two of which get you the Seduction moves;

- A couple new bosses in those quests;

- The beginning of the Camwhore quest line, which in truth was started a long time ago but I've kept it under wraps 'til now; and

- Probably more bugs, 'cause the update was exhausting and big and involved a few sleepless nights. yay

Yep. Patreon. Do it up. You know you wanna see Mindy flashing a skeleton. You know.

Friday, 5 May 2017

1.0.0 is gonna be a bit late.

I'm working hard on 1.2.0, but it's taking a lot longer than I anticipated when I started because I'm revamping the combat system so much. I don't like releasing builds at different times when I can avoid it, so once I'm done 1.2.0 for Patreon - I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday at the absolute latest, but I'm not 100% on that - I'll chuck out 1.0.0 too.

It's mainly an aesthetic build anyway. Lotsa new sex animations, but otherwise little new content. And you guys are more interested in the gameplay, right? Yes, I'm so sure it's allllll about the gameplay. Sexy animations have no bearing on it at all.

... sure. Like I believe that.

Have a quick preview of one of the upcoming Camwhore animations. On the house.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Spellity spells.

Despite last week's Patreon build being a big dungeon update I still haven't managed to finish off the stuff I had planned for the combat system. That includes spells. Have a gander at the Heal spell, in all her pristine glory. (Why does she look like a ninja? I honestly have no idea. Just seemed appropriate for no particular reason.)

1.2.0 is also going to include four new unlockable move options for Mindy via Seduction attacks. Yep, now she can get a little sexy herself during combat. Stands to reason, don't it? This will, naturally, open up another sexy animation for the monsters, because... y'know... porn game...

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Simply Mindy 0.9.5 / 1.1.0 Preview

Sorry for the delay, folks. I took an extra day to prep 1.1.0. It's a new dungeon so I had a lot of shit to slot in and a lot bugs to work through. It's hardly 100%, but I'm damned happy with the results.

Anyway! You're not here for that dungeon (maybe), you're here for 0.9.5. (Things went wrong mildly.) Let's get crackin'.


Today's new build features a bunch of new stuff centring around a new job. The juicy details:

- New job: Modelling. Starting in her third year, or earlier if you luck out with your stats, Mindy can get a job as a calendar model, posing in front of a stupid summery backdrop while wearing a string bikini. Sexy times. She gets four animations to start off, 'cause I'm generous.

- New NPC: ShutterBug. He's fuckin' weird. Unlike the other NPCs he is not sexable (kinda), 'cause I needed to make up for the two non-job NPCs somewheres. There is a sex animation associated with him, though. Find it on your own. ShutterBug also has cut scene animations for a goddamned change.

- New storyline! Obviously, since there's a new job, but this comes with a twist: it's finished. Finito. Done. Everything related to ShutterBug is finished, and he comes packaged with three brand-spankin' new endings. One of them is just doing the job a lot, the other two you can figure out yourselves.

- Set up a quest system for storyline-related quests. You can now check your progress and see what you need to reach the next leg of a particular storyline. This does not pertain to dungeon quests just yet. Expect that in 1.2.0.

- Added three new animations for Farmer John. His story doesn't go any further, but by god, all of his sexy-sexy animations are done. Enjoy snuggling with an undead monstrosity.

- Added a new animation for Farming. Yay.

Yep. Go check it out above. I'm proud of the storylines, even if they are pretty danged weird by the end.


New dungeon. New monsters. New bosses. New quests. New bugs. New... new. Lots of new in this one. If you enjoyed the first dungeon you'll like this one more, because I like it more. So there. Specifics:

- Five new monsters;

- Four new bosses;

- Four new quests;

- Items, including equippable shit like Speed Heels that will let you run;

- A shit-ton of small-style sprites gettin' it on; and

- Plenty of examples of Mindy getting nailed. Because it wouldn't be an update without that.

Yep. Patreon, guys. $2. Need I say more? I need not.

Friday, 7 April 2017

Simply Mindy 0.8.0 / 1.0.0 Preview

I'll be a bit more expansive with this update. Last time... things. Things and stuff.

0.8.Something (This release went a little badly at first)

This release is all about endings, and you're getting six brand-spankin'-new ones, to bring the total up to seven. They include:

- Three for Froglord;

- A Time's Up ending, thereby making the game finite; and

- Two job endings, one for Camwhore and one for Maid, so... I guess technically the Maid one is another one for Froglord? Not really

This also includes the introduction of Bonuses, similar to Soo Cubus, which you can apply to your next round of play in Simply Mindy. There's also a gallery where you can view all of the endings you've collected. Remember: If you start a new game from the main menu without opening your old game, you will delete your save file, along with all endings collected.

Froglord's three endings are accompanied by his complete storyline, as well, so there's plenty to see and do. He also gets the rest of his overnight animations! Hooooope you like Froglord, 'cause this release has a lot to do with him.

Known Bugs

I'd like to set up a dedicated page for bugs I've found and eliminated. For now I'll just stick 'em in this release and hope people bother to read the damned notes. These bugs are fixed in the latest Patreon build, but you public peeps will have to suffer through them a little while longer.

- I have gotten many messages that the battle with the Judge can sometimes freeze when he uses his gavel attack. This is relatively rare, but it does happen. I've replaced the raining gavels with a larger, glitch-free one in 1.0.0.

- People have noticed that you can occasionally spam jobs. Stencyl keeps fucking this up on me despite repeated attempts to fix it, and I don't know why. At any rate, I think I've got this nailed down in 1.0.0, but I'm fully prepared to see someone point it out and vex me once again.

- Job description stat boosts don't always match actual stat boosts. I've gone through and fixed these for 1.0.0.

- The rain in BloodOrb Forest seems to make the game laggy for some people. Still working on an alternative. There are also some minor graphical glitches (black boxes, mainly) which I'm honestly not sure I can fix within the framework of Stencyl, though I'll keep trying regardless.

- The A button doesn't always appear on the screen while trying to interact with things in the dungeon. Pretty sure I fixed this in 0.9.0, but there may still be cases of it in 0.8.0. You should nevertheless have no problems just hitting A and interacting with objects / doors regardless.

1.0.0 Preview

Honestly, 1.0.0 is mainly about sexy animations, 'cause I'm also gearing up for the next dungeon, due out mid-April, god willing. Consequently, all you'll get for this Patreon release is sixteen new animations. Shitty, right? It also has facial expressions for Lil D in cut scenes and a few of the bug fixes mentioned above.

C'mon. You know you can't wait to see Mindy licking an ice cream cone that's wedged between her tits. You know you can't.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Simply Mindy 0.7.0

Hi, guys. Build is late because I've had to deal with a funeral that popped up out of nowhere, and I don't really have time to focus on much else besides that. I'm going to put 0.7.0 up quick, though, while I have a chance. It adds two new areas to the dungeon for you to explore.

Side note, I know about the Intellect and Spirit bugs, and they got fixed a little while ago. They're not fixed in this one, as I recall. So don't push them over 100.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Simply Mindy 0.6.0 / 0.8.0 Preview

Forgot to update last week again. Dammit.


- Added two new jobs, the Cosplayer and the Mascot. Both are outfit-related jobs, and Mindy's looks will change a lot for each of 'em. As such neither one has a 'default' set of clothes for cut scenes, and Mindy will look like a plain ol' ho when talking to the two new NPCs. Each job has two animations.

- Added storyline for one of those two NPCs. Hint hint: it's the more ghostly of the two. He gets a sexy animation with Mindy, and so, too, does the game's other ghost NPC (though unfortunately if you got that far before you'll need to start a new game and snag her again, as I forgot to set the flag up last time).

- Added spells. Mindy can cast spells. Yay! You can purchase spells outside the shop in the first dungeon. Each spell has its own little animation, and five of them are available right now.

- Changed up Mindy's sprite in the dungeon so she actually matches her damned combat outfit. Grumble grumble only I care about this grumble. Consistency grumble.

Yep. Mainly an aesthetic change, though there's enough game play to keep you going for a while. Now, if you want a beefier build, might I recommend...


You may have noticed, in the screenshot above, a slight difference in the normal layout scheme.

Yes. In 0.8.0., available exclusively to Patreon users for the next month, you can get yourself a Sinner's Orb and meet Mr. Moe. Which means there are now endings. Seven, to be precise. Seven. They include:

- A Time's Up ending;
- Two job-related endings;
- Three involving Froglord, everyone's favourite landlord; and
- One bad one involving a boss, which has been in the game since the last build but didn't amount to much.

Also? A gallery, with which you can view them once you've collected one or more. A gallery. You know that shit is worth two bucks. You just know it.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Simply Mindy 0.5.5 / 0.7.0 Preview


Oh my lulz. Look, a new build - and the primary addition this time 'round is the goddamned dungeon.

(Don't mind the extra .5. Things happened. We don't talk about them anymore.)

Yes, now you, too, can go exploring in the wilds and get into fights with evil, evil monsters. There are a few quests to do and plenty of vicious wildlife to bone. Some of it is a touch glitchy at this early stage, and the combat is rather barebones in this build (the next one has spells, as I recall), but there's still plenty to appease your genitals. Boost your physical stats - say, at the Farm - to unlock the dungeon.

The particulars:

- Five regular monsters to kill, and two bosses
- Item shop with a new storyline NPC
- Several (three, I think?) NPC quests spread 'round the dungeon
- Progression through Farmer John's quest, along with the ability to bone the ol' bastard
- Mindy gets to wander the overworld in the wrong outfit (fixed in the next build)

And... things. And stuff. It's up now. Go fuck up some monsters.

0.7.0 Preview

Y'know that dungeon I just gave you in the public build? In this build, it's bigger. And it has more monsters. And bosses. And storyline stuff. And that shopkeeper you met? The one with the brown-and-red hair and the cool gauntlets? You can bone her. I know, it's exciting. Patreon! Go do the Patreon!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

I have a penchant for making references to stuff I like.

The spells in the dungeon area (which you public folks will be getting in a scant few days) are all summons. In this case... he represents the Scan spell.

Because. Like. He has... a scanner. Get it? ooooohohohoho

It amuses me, anyway.

Yeah, yeah, it's a porn game. I hear you, you want titties. Here, have the sprite for the Quake spell as recompense. It makes more sense in context.

dragon dragon, rock the dragon, dragon ball zzzzzz

Sunday, 12 February 2017

0.4.0 derp. Blame Blogger.

For some reason Blogger decided to update the download link for 0.4.0, but it did not replace the url for the browser version. 0.4.0 is now up like it should be, browser fans. Sorry about that. (I'd say 'My bad', but... I distinctly remember doing that, so... Google's bad?)

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Simply Mindy 0.4.0 / 0.6.0 Preview

Oh, Saturday, sweet Saturday. What bringeth you to these tired eyes? Why, a new build, of course.


This week's public build is stuffed with all sortsa new stuff, including the beginnings of the story system that will guide players through each game of Simply Mindy. A brief listing of the highlights:

  • Two new jobs: Prostitute and Arm Candy. Both will unlock in the second year if you don't unlock them earlier via the proper stat spreads.
  • Added seasonal stat boosts. Which stats rise change based on the current season. I'll try to make these changes reflect the animations going forward, though no promises on accuracy. (I have a lot of animations to do before I'm done.)
  • Three new story arcs involving Froglord, Farmer John, and Shirley (the old lady landlord). Finding 'em necessitates doing things that would involve said characters, hint, hint. Proceeding far enough along Froglord's path can earn you a fancy overnight animation.
  • Added icons for Stamina and Mood. Mood doesn't function as a mechanic yet, but it will... some day...
  • Bug fixes. yay
Ayup. Go, go! It's up!


As for the patrons...
  • Two more jobs: Cosplayer and Mascot, each with two animations
  • The beginnings of the spell system for the dungeon sections, with five new animations
  • Two more overnight animations
  • Naughty messages for the Camwhore
All this and more (not a hell of a lot more, but more) on Patreon! Yay!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Dimlight City!

I said a while back that I was working on another game while plugging away on Simply Mindy, and the time has come to unveil that game. (I'm actually a week or so late. I am bad at social media-ing.) Thus, I present Dimlight City!

Currently in the funding stage - though the game is going forward whether the team hits its goal or not, so far as I know - Dimlight City is going to be a brothel-building title in a similar vein to, say, Simbro, albeit with a much more polished and complete look to it once it's released. You have complete freedom to assemble your brothel, gather a team of gals to service customers, complete missions, and, likely, masturbate to animates bewbs. Think a lewd version of SimTower.

And what role do I play in this enterprise? I'm the writer! Writing's much easier than the rest of the junk that goes into game-making, so I'm all over that. Everyone else has to work their asses off while I get to weave a silly tale about sex robots and dildo ninjas and the like. It's a great scam I've got going.

(Honestly, the plot is much more expansive and detailed than I probably make it sound. I wrote a scene the other day about law-wrangling, of all things.)

At any rate, if you like my storytelling abilities - or sexy cartoons flopping about on one another - I highly suggest checking it out. The Kimochi they've got running right now has a bunch of cool bonuses available to backers. Shell out enough and you'll get to have, like, actual sex in an actual brothel. Maybe.

Oh, and, uh, Mindy's coming along fine. That's a thing too.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

I draw weird things.

This little guy might splooge in Mindy's face. Might.

Behold the Cure spell. All the spells in Simply Mindy are going to be at least a little naughty in nature, and this dude will bestow his curative blessings upon Mindy via jizz. Fun! He'll probably show up for a few of the white magic spells, though there are, as of this writing, four other magical summons that show up in spells as well.

He's not in the game yet. But Friday... Friday...! Patrons...!

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Simply Mindy 0.3.0 / 0.5.0 Preview


Better late than never. I had some stuff I wanted to get done on 0.5.0 before I released it to the Patrons, so it was only fair you guys got shuffled back a touch as well. Just a touch. This week's new stuff for the public:

- Animations for the school. All six teachers get an animation. Cumshots depend on whether or not said teacher has a dick, or involvement with a dick, or if I felt like including a dick.

- New job: Gloryhole Attendant. It unlocks in the second year, or if you get the right stat distribution prior to the second year. This also brings in another NPC who may look similar to someone else in the game.

- Added a billboard warning of upcoming Lil D contests. It also tells you when you've unlocked a new job. For the moment it sits on the wet t-shirt contest most of the time.

- Added hotkeys! The hotkeys is indicated in brackets beside the button. Please note that the hotkeys were a bit fucked up in this build - as I recall they were screwed up a bit on the walls - but they get fixed as of 0.4.0.

Yep. Mostly aesthetic. This was the Christmas build so I didn't get a shit ton done, but there are plenty of new animations regardless.

0.5.0 Preview

By contrast, 0.5.0 is a huge update - one might be tempted to call it yuge - because it includes the game's first dungeon. It's not fully fleshed-out yet, as it requires more seasons, but there's still plenty to see, including:

- Eight (!) monsters for you to battle, and / or fuck;
- Three quests for you to undertake;
- The beginning of the items system;
- A new NPC to meet; and
- An item that unlocks another sleepover animation.

Yep. Patreon, folks. Pa-tre-On.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

I'm shitty at maintaining this devblog.

And for that I apologize. Once I'm done with build day I wipe this place from my mind and just set myself to work. Here, have some pics of what I'm working on as recompense.

Dungeon! It's coming up in the next Patreon-only build. Granted, it's less a dungeon and more a forested area, but I'm sure RPG fans get the gist of the term.

New jobs a-comin'. Mindy gets to be arm candy and a prostitute. Also, rich spiders.

School! All of these courses have animations. They will be showing up in the coming public build.

Aaaaaand other stuff! I'm working on lots of stuff. Right now the focus is on the dungeon and the combat system, with lots more sex animations included. Simply Mindy is gonna out-sex Soo Cubus, this I swear.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Simply Mindy 0.2.0 / 0.4.0 Preview


Yep, I missed last week's update. IIIIIIII'm a shithead. My bad. I'll try harder to remember next time. (Though in fairness, when the time came to perform the update I hadn't done a ton of work, 'cause... other game I can't talk about yet. My life is just ruled by porn games now.)

Anyway! 0.2.0 is now live to the public. A list of the changes you can expect:

- Added several new animations: two for camwhoring, two for soldiering on the wall, one for paying the rent, and two for not paying rent. Also have Squirt buttons, because people love jizz.

 - Added a shit-ton of cut scenes that will provide more than enough context to get the plot jumpstarted.

 - Added the first of the seasonal activities, a wet t-shirt contest. It pops up automatically on the 10th of Brimstone, and you can choose whether or not you want to participate. The chances that you'll do very well in the first year are pretty low, but, hell, give it a shot anyway, yeah?
Note of caution: since the game is only supposed to last four seasons the wet t-shirt contest will only trigger four times. After that it won't (shouldn't?) activate again. Just FYI.

- Added a whole bunch of cut scene expressions to Mindy, enough to probably get through most of the game. Might add two or three more for variety.

- Added buttons that will allow you to work / learn two or more times when entering a screen, rather than having to keep going through the same animations and screen transitions over and over. 

Please note that this does not reset the animations. You'll have to exit and re-enter to get a different animation, assuming your stats change.

- Rigged up the school so it's more or less operable. Pay money, receive stat boosts from various teachers. Each of the six teachers (eventually to be eight) has ten snippets of randomly-chosen dialogue that will trigger each time you take a class. I may change them up based on the season in the future. Animations appear in the next build.

  - Added rent! Everybody loves rent! As in Soo Cubus, Mindy is charged $100 a day. This will, over time, go up, and I'll probably add different rent penalties as the game progresses. Enjoy the ridiculously low difficulty level in the meantime.
 - Changed the font. I must have done this eight or nine times before I settled on a font, and I did it mainly so it could be read properly. 

 - Added Money and Stamina to the Stats roll-out menu. These have since been reshuffled so they appear in more visible, convenient places throughout the game.

  - Added in the bare bones of the calendar system. The seasons don't do anything yet, not even aesthetically, but now you can see the names of the four seasons in their glory, as the days move forward whenever you sleep.

- Added more thought bubble dialogue for Mindy when she's idling on the main menu screen. I did not have time to shift the thought bubbles out from under the roll-out stats, nor to disable them (timed events in Stencyl are funky weird), so for the moment they're still a bit obtrusive.

- Added code that will round stats up to zero if they ever drop below, because that will happen almost right away. The only exception is Morality, for reasons. (It isn't affected by anything yet anyway.)

0.4.0 Preview

 Whew. Big list of changes. Now for the new new stuff! If you support Simply Mindy on Patreon right goddamned now, you'll get to see the following changes incorporated into Simply Mindy 0.4.0:

 - Two new jobs, with two new animations apiece
- The beginnings of the storyline system, with three NPCs jumping in on the fun - and one of them getting to bang Mindy, dependent on your choices
- Seasonal changes to stat boosts
- Revamps to the hotkey system
- Revamps to the main menu stuff
- Several bugfixes

- Automatic saving

All that and more! What're you waiting for?! Patreon! PATREON! C'mon, I need to eat! I'm hungry at this very moment, actually, so to hell with porn, I'm gonna go make a sandwich. Enjoy!