
Friday, 30 December 2016

Simply Mindy 0.1.0 / 0.3.0 Preview / Slight Site Revamp

The big day has arrived, and the first public build of Simply Mindy is now online. This initial version doesn't have a hell of a lot to do - you can explore two of the jobs, get a taste for the initial animations, check out a cheeky rendition of the story (basically a lot of riffing on the fact that it was entirely incomplete as of the time of the build) and wander about in an empty dungeon.

Following builds are much, much more complete. Still, enjoy! Despite the success of Soo Cubus I'm already feeling that Simply Mindy is going to be the better game, if only because I know so much more about the game making process now. Like, a ridiculous amount more. I was much better prepared this time 'round, and I hope the end product will reflect my greater experience.

Oh, and for those who might be worried: cumshots are in the game from the beginning. I know what you want.

Simply Mindy 0.3.0 Preview

Speaking of Simply Mindy, there's a new build for it up on Patreon! For a measly two dollars you'll get a whole bunch of new shit:

- A new job: the gloryhole, complete with two new animations
- A bunch of new schooling animations, most sexy, one... well, it has moving tits, so that's something
- Hotkeys! Fucking hotkeys!
- As always, jizz

All that on top of four previously-functional jobs, a wet t-shirt contest, a shit-ton of story stuff... more jizz... yep. It's almost like it's a game, but not quite, but getting there. Savvy?

Slight Site Revamp

Because Simply Mindy has a higher resolution (960 x 640 rather than 640 x 480) I needed to change the site a bit to prevent .swf overlap with the side menu. To that end I expanded the borders and changed up the top buttons to look more pixel-y. You know, like the games I make.

I don't really like the buttons as they turned out. I'll probably draw some original art for 'em. That's a minor quibble for the moment, though, and you'll all survive with them as they are, I'm sure. Over the next few days I'll redo them. In the meantime, shout at me if the website looks funky or stupid in your browser. Might want to download the games instead if they don't look right.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Simply Mindy 0.2.0 / Christmas Stuff / Ominous Tidings

Simply Mindy

Yep. New build up on Patreon, and it's actually, like, kind of a game! Kind of! You can do things! And you can do things earlier than everyone all for the low, low price of $2! What a danged steal.

(I'm bad at pitching for myself. I know it.)

This week's Simply Mindy instalment includes the following, if you're interested:

- Four functioning jobs
- A school that kinda works
- A bunch more animations where Mindy gets sexy with things
- A wet t-shirt contest
- Some dialogue or something
- Jizz

Yup. Patreon! Click the thing at the top! You know you wanna!

Soo Cubus / Christmas

I had planned on getting down to more Soo Cubus fixes after releasing this build, but I don't think it's going to happen. My month is too busy, thanks to Christmas, and I want to make sure my patrons are getting their money's worth. I'll work on those bugs in 2017, promise. (S'not like the game is horribly, terribly, irreparably broken anyway. Just... needs fine tuning.)

I also can't work on Soo Cubus too much right now 'cause I may have been maybe pulled in to help someone else with their sex game. Like, by doing the writing. I won't say too much right now, as it's still early days, but I'll probably promote that shiznit in the days to come.

I did not go to university expecting that my writing career would take me into the sex game industry. Life is fuckin' weird.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Simply Mindy shiznit.

It is Friday, and I feel weird that I'm not putting out a build. Despite liking this new pace, it'll take some time to adjust to a bi-monthly schedule. As such, I think from now on I'll try to provide at least status updates on Fridays, so people have stuff to look at / look forward to.

A little overview. In Simply Mindy you're, obviously, playing as Mindy, a few months after the end of Soo Cubus. If you've seen the good ending of Soo Cubus you'll know where she wound up, and now she needs to come to grips with her substantially-changed circumstances.

Below are a few things of note you can expect while playing. I made short notes of a lot of them; now I will expand.

- On the bare surface the game play will be fairly similar to Soo Cubus. Three Stamina a day, earn money for rent, build stats, watch cut scenes, etc. That said there will be far more stats to juggle (ten, off the top of my head) which will be used in far more story-related scenarios than in Soo Cubus.

- There will also be less of a central story than there was in Soo Cubus. The primary goal in this one is for Mindy to get a new job for herself, so the story you pursue will change depending on the direction you drive Mindy's stats. Sounds ambitious, might be overly-so, but I relish the challenge. The plan is to have many more endings than in Soo Cubus, and all of them will be the 'official' ending, since each will see Mindy winding up with a job of sorts. Think Princess Maker, if you know that game.

- Changing seasons will play a role in statistical upgrades, as well as overall aesthetics. For example, if Mindy can't pay her rent she'll be forced out onto the street, and you'll see different animations depending on the season. She'll also get hit with different stat penalties depending on the season. There will also be a calendar with both yearly and unique events that trigger on specific days.

- RPG elements and RPG-based combat will play a larger role this time around. It was tacked on as a novelty at first in Soo Cubus, turned into a fairly major (if simplistic) mechanic, and continues to stick in my brain as a fun inclusion. The plan is to have three dungeons you can explore on foot (!!!), and at least one of them will change based on the current season, since it'll be outdoors. Elemental weaknesses and a few elemental spells will also play a role in combat, as I like Pokemon-style rock-paper-scissors combat, and learning spells will work into one of the storylines.

Here's a screenshot of a sample dungeon I was mucking about with one day. Wanted to make sure it was a feasible concept, so I drew up a simple tileset and set Mindy to wandering around. Works pretty well, all things considered, and I look forward to prettifying the thing. (Those red strands are vines. I didn't try very hard.)

- In an effort to make the backgrounds more interesting, I've separated most of them into different layers so I can animate elements of each scene separately. As such you'll see more flavour animations that will bring the world to life behind the main action. I'm hoping to change these animations based on the current season, as well, so people will be fucking in parkas during the colder months and swimwear in the warmer. Stuff like that.

I fully expect Simply Mindy to take me a hell of a lot longer than Soo Cubus to polish into a finished form. I also fully expect it to be a lot of fun in the final estimation, and I hope you all agree.

Oh, and, uh, I'm still working on Soo Cubus. Slowly. Danged game takes so long to load into Stencyl these days...

Friday, 2 December 2016

Soo Cubus Pre-Alpha 4.0 / Simply Mindy 0.1.0

Soo Cubus

Kay. First, the obvious thing: Soo Cubus 4.0, which more or less marks the end of the game's big updates. I'll still do updates, but there aren't going to be any more endings, items, new areas, or any of that shiznit. It's all polishing at this point, and damned if it doesn't still need a lot. This week's highlights:

- The last two endings, tied into a boss battle. You win, you lose, you know the drill. Unlocking this final of final bits is simple enough, I guess: snag all those damned keys. It takes some doing, but I managed it before posting this, and, by god, it is wholly possible in a single playthrough. (Though certainly not your first playthrough.) Good luck!

Please note that the final ending's achievement prize is intended to be two more galleries, but I ran out of time, and for now you just get a statistical boost. I plan to change this in the future, once the new game is well underway and I have more time to devote to Soo Cubus again.

- Changed the achievement prize for the 666 ending. Before you started with an additional $6,666; now you start with the 666 key. I decided that trying to get that ending whenever you want to get the final ending was too much of a pain in the ass. (I need to modify that cut scene a bit in the future, but for the moment you still just get that key.)

- ... honestly, that's all. The new endings kept me busier than I thought I would be. No bug fixes, alas, but there aren't any game-breaking ones that I can see anyway, so I'm not that concerned. 

Simply Mindy

New game! Yes, the first build of my second Cubus game, Simply Mindy, is now available to play on Patreon. It'll stay that way until the beginning of January, at which point this first build (little more than a demo, really, though it does have some sexy times) will go up on the devblog, similar to Soo Cubus. And so the pattern will continue.

If you've seen the 'good' ending of Soo Cubus, you'll have an inkling of where this game's going. Just an inkling. Needless to say, I intend to make it bigger, shinier, and perhaps even sexier than Soo Cubus. Huzzah!

Hiatus Kinda

The next two updates (for Simply Mindy, that is) are going to be Patreon-only, and from now on patrons will be two builds ahead rather than one. More bang for your buck, y'know? Consequently, the only updates to the devblog will be progress reports and teasers of the new game, as well as perhaps one or two builds of Soo Cubus with further bug fixes and polishing. If'n you like your sexy games free, then I guess I'll be seeing you in January, pardners.

Please note also that from this point on I'm going to release new builds every two weeks, not every week. The resulting builds should be of superior quality as a result, and my stress levels will drop substantially. Kthnks.

Oh, and I'm going to revamp the devblog. Because Simply Mindy is too big to fit into the window. It stretches across the boundaries of the damn side menu. Fie upon it for that.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.9 / 4.0 Preview / More Mindy Stuff.

Lotta stuff this week. Let's break it down now.

Pre-Alpha 3.9

This week's release is all about bugfixes, and thus ain't that interesting. The details:

- Changed the intro screen. I liked the concept of the original, but it was too... messy, I guess? The new one comes across as more elegant. Somehow. I don't know.

- Changed the sewer battles so you don't have to wait several seconds once you drive off a monster. A Leave button appears instead.

- Added a text box that pops up if you try to start a New Game, warning that the old save (and all related achievements) will be deleted if you proceed.

- Fixed a little bug where the exit button disappears when scrolling through Sid's gallery.

- Tidied up the status screen a bit. The sound controls have been shoved behind a button, similar to the opening screen, and there's now a box showing which ability you chose when you started the game.

- Have made Strength the 'default' ability, assuming you forget to choose an ability when you start a new game.

- Tried to add Skip buttons to several of the king scenes to speed up repeat viewings, but they lagged the hell out of the scenes and generally wreaked havoc. I unfortunately don't have enough time right now to set them to rights, but this problem should be remedied by next week, and most of the needed infrastructure is already in the code... just disabled.

- Though it's not a bug, per se, I've noticed a few people complain about not getting keys they should have earned, or certain events not triggering properly. I suspect these problems stem from the Skip button itself - Stencyl may not register variable changes in a new scene for a split second upon entering that scene, and I think players who are going through the game for a second, third, fourth, fifth, however many times, are hitting the button too quickly.

I assume this is a Stencyl thing that I can't really change myself. My plan is to eventually go through and change the scenes a bit so the Skip button isn't created for about two seconds, allowing the variables that get altered at the beginning to do their thing. Until then, I recommend not spamming the Skip button too hardcore. Give the scene half a moment to load properly.

Yep. No monumental changes. I was too busy to go nuts last week.

4.0 Preview

This week's Patreon release is much more interesting, as it includes the final two endings, as well as a slight tweak to one of the achievements. The two endings are the hardest to get by far, 'cause, hey, you needed some kinda reward for collecting all those damned keys. 
Also, something looking like this might be involved. Maybe.

Mindy Stuff

The release of the new game's first build is just a week off for patrons, and I figured I would share another little look at what to expect. I give to you a little preview of the status screen!

As you can see, this game is going to feature far more stats than Soo Cubus, allowing players to customize their Mindy to a much greater degree. This will lead to a planned forty different endings (by comparison, Soo Cubus has a mere eighteen, last I checked), which should drive you completionists fuckin' batty.

A few other things to expect:

- RPG-style combat, more robust than Soo Cubus, with explorable dungeons
- A season system that will change stat accumulation and some of the scenes
- Lots of goofy storytelling tied into a large number of branching stories, depending on how you proceed through the game
- Sex

Might sound like I'm overselling some of the features - never wise, in this post-No Man's Sky world - but I'm pretty sure I can make it all work with my current skillset. Lookin' forward to the new challenge, and to your reactions to what is coming.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.8

The slowing down continues, as I'm shifting more and more attention to the new game. Highlights:

 - Added a new potential ending. This one can gift you with a key if you get through it, and the key itself is a clue as to what you need to do. Might have to zoom in to see it properly. (Someone suggested an ending along these lines ages ago. It's incredibly specific, and I anticipate many questions about it in the future.)

- Changed the College, Pub, and Gym somewhat. Rather than having money subtracted when entering from the city screen you jump into the location for free, and you can decide whether you want to get a +1, a +2, or a +3 stat upgrade. +2 costs $500; +3 costs $1,000.

There is still a chance when doing this that you'll trigger the 'bonus' animations that cost zero dollars, though I've removed the stipulation that you need to have a particular ability to trigger the animation. I would ultimately like to make this a bit more robust (and maybe replace some of the animations, 'cause I don't like them that much anymore).

 - Changed up the explosion animation. It used to look rather shitty. Now it does not.

 - If Amelia shacked up with the landlord and she was one of your lovers previously (not via dating, the other, harder way) you would simply lose her as an option. Now she'll regain her lover status after she, uh, 'ditches' the landlord.

 - The Chr ability animation for the alley now removes Stamina, just as it should. Dagnabbit, will I ever be done with those stupid animations?

 - The sewers properly display a message after returning from a battle, where there was previously an empty text box.

 - You can no longer clickspam the sewer 'end of the line' prizes for increased bonus stats. I don't know why the engine is being so dumb about removing the buttons, but you may experience about a second of lag after you make your choice. Trying to find a way to eliminate this, but for the moment at least you are restricted to a single stat bump, as intended.

The bug hunt continues, and next week / this week's Patreon is a bug hunt period. I need to make more headway on the new game, as I didn't get a whole lot done on it this week. The cut scene for the new ending ate up way too much time, thanks to Stencyl's constant refusal to cooperate. ... or my lack of programming skill. I'm improving, though...

Anyway. Two more endings to go, and one of them will be epic, I promise. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

A little bit of Mindy.

It occurs to me that I've been sticking almost exclusively to discussing the Soo Cubus builds on the devblog. I've been working on much more than that lately, and it's about time I reveal some of my progress outside of Patreon. (Though if you do check out Patreon you'll see news about this stuff much earlier, and more extensively.)

I still haven't decided on a name for the next Cubus game, but as you can tell (and as you voted for) it's going to star Mindy, and detail some of her post-Soo Cubus exploits. Statistically it's going to be much more complex than Soo Cubus, which will be great fun for me to program, and I will refer you to the game Princess Maker if you want an idea of what's to come in the future.

I'm hard at work on the first build, which will be available to patrons at the beginning of December and everyone else at the beginning of January. I'm still going to be fucking around with Soo Cubus in that time, of course, so fear not that the original game might get left behind.

Plenty more to come. Keep your eyes peeled.

PS: I've noticed recently that Blogger alerts when people post comments aren't coming through to my email anymore, for some reason. No clue how I can fix this. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments about Soo Cubus, I recommend trying me through the Legend of Krystal forum. I check the Soo Cubus thread there more often than anything else when it comes to comments and critiques and whatnot, even if I don't respond immediately.

(You can also, y'know, chuck a buck or two my way and get me on Patreon instead. I'm just puttin' it out there.)

Friday, 11 November 2016

Soo Cubus Pre-Alpha 3.7

Getting down to the wire. Now that the big 'ol ending has been broached Soo Cubus is mainly about tying up loose ends, adding a few more conclusions / related bonuses, and polishing, endless polishing. This week's highlights:

- Added a new ending. It's kind of an old ending rejigged, but it's still a thing. The splodey Earth one aside, this might be the hardest one to find, so two hints: it's in the sewers and you need to get two other endings first before it will trigger. Might also maybe involve something you couldn't fight before. So I guess that's three hints.

- Related to that, there's now a gallery for all the other stuff. It combines the hobo fights and the sewer monsters. Unlocking it is the reward for getting the ending mentioned above. 

Please note that the gallery is still a little screwy, and I can't figure out why it does some of the things it does. The ChrBeast is a particular point of weirdness for me, since it does not appear when you're clicking to the right - but if you click back to it from the IntBeast, it appears as it should. Utterly perplexing. I'll keep messing with it, but in the meantime the weirdness can be dispelled just by scrolling through characters and / or fiddling with the red splooge button.

Please let me know if you experience anything wrong with the hobos or monsters in their 'natural' environments. I had to change the coding of the base characters to make them work in the gallery, and though I've tested them as much as I could in HoboFights and the Sewers respectively, I haven't managed as much testing as I would've liked. What I've seen so far leads me to believe that they work fine, though.

As a side effect of all this, the monster and hobo cumming animations now loop if you keep pressing the splooge button. Again, this is a bit wonky with the beasts.

- Finished up the cut scenes that didn't have character expressions.

- Fixed some of the text problems. It won't appear before the text box appears anymore, for example. Let me know if I missed any of these, though I think I got the majority.

- Did a bunch of specific tweaks to various cut scenes. The scene just before entering the tower will have a different number of keyholes showing depending on how many keys you currently have, for example.

- Gave Soo a 'defeated' animation during combat, assuming you lose a battle. It gets a few seconds of play time before the screen transitions elsewhere.

- Also changed Soo's Resist attack. The sword strike was epic, but it didn't seem silly / sexy enough for a dumb game like Soo Cubus.

- Tinkered with the achievements / bonuses screen so it's not laggy. At all. I suspect I can do something similar with dating to make it less laggy, too, but it's gonna take a lot more work to rejig that clusterfuck of a scene, let me tell you what.

- Fixed the lover coin thingy where you lost your lover if they died but were resurrected.

- Fixed the lover intro scenes, so you get the amount of Stamina you're properly owed.

That's it for the current one. The next Patreon build adds yet another ending - only got two left to do, now - and fixes a bunch of stuff, as well as makes it easier to purchase stat boosts from the Pub, Gym, and College. Huzzah!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.6. Yes, this one has the good ending. Fucking finally.

Yep. As promised, I got the good ending done this week. Finally. At fuckin' last. Good lord this took a long time. The details:

- Gather six+ keys and things will go differently at the tower. It looks the same at first, but it ain't.

- There are three new bosses. Be prepped.

- The ending is a fair bit longer than any other in the game. Obviously. There is, of course, a failure ending as well. Both have been added to the achievements thing when you restart the game.

- The sex scene near the end of the ending varies depending on which characters you've successfully wooed. There are alternate scenes for two male lovers, two female lovers, one female lover and one male lover, one female / male lover, or no lovers at all. The dialogue changes as well; if you want more 'substantive' conversations, stick with a single lover.

- Linking up with that, wooing characters via dates, getting items, and one other (deadly) method now contributes to this ending. The possibilities for that final sex scene are endless! Or... not, but, there are a fair number of combinations, so shut up.

- Game over! Weeee!

Let me know if the ending is wonky at all. I tested the ever-living fuck out of it, particularly the lovers mechanic, but there's still room for error. I kinda worry that the scene before the second battle might be problematic for some people, and if that's the case I'll re-jig it somehow.

In addition I made some more changes:

- Added another ending. No hints, but it shouldn't be that difficult to find, and it adds a bit of a twist to something players have been able to exploit for ages. Keep playing and it will almost certainly pop up. And yes, this is a bad ending, so... okay, I guess that's a bit of a hint. Avoiding the ending is also beneficial in its own way.

- I got tired of Soo looking so dull when attacking, so she now has two different attack animations, one for Resist and one for Persuade. I tend to like Persuade more, and you will too.

- Combat clickspamming is no longer a thing.

- Tinkered with a few odds and ends throughout the game.

So... yeah! That's Soo Cubus 'done'. When I say 'done', of course, I don't really mean 'done'. There are lots of bugs to vanquish, lots of sprites to polish, lots of typos to correct, a few more endings to add... and... things. To thing. Suffice it to say that I bet I'll be working on Soo Cubus for a while.

Assssss for 3.7... because, yes, there's still new stuff getting plugged into the game...

I'll just leave this here. Go to Patreon to learn more. Go, go! For the good of my bank account!

Weekly updates will continue throughout this month. After that I'll be switching to the bi-weekly schedule. Then, starting in January (for the public, anyway - Patreons get it in December), a new game! Huzzah!

Saturday, 29 October 2016

The Good Ending, aka Pre-Alpha 3.6. (Preview only, mind.)

Hi, folks. As promised, there's no release this week if you're part of the public. This is because I spent two weeks creating and refining the 'good' ending, and I need to make sure my patrons remain ahead of the game. I can, however, give a taste of what you'll get if you become a patron.

The big thing is... the good ending! It has been a long time coming, and it's easily the most expansive of the endings, including the following:

- The resolution of the Soo Cubus story (such as it is)

- Three more boss battles, all of them ridiculous

- A shit-ton of dialogue

- The coming-together of the lovers in a final scene where Soo can have a twosome or a threesome with characters who have definitely never met before

- A sweet scrolling Final Fantasy-esque boss background, and a few references to one game in particular

- Jizz

In addition there's plenty of other goodies crammed in, including a few bug fixes, another ending, another boss (making for a grand total of four new fights in this build), another achievement to go with the ending, new animations for Soo's attacks, and other things I don't remember. I've been working for a good thirteen hours by now so my brain is on the fritz.

The Future

Now I believe is a good time to talk upon the future of the Cubus games. You may have noticed that there is a poll to the right, concluded a while ago, on who should star in the next game. Rest assured that, yes, Mindy is going to be the star of the sequel, and, yes, I'm going to start working on it pretty soon. It'll be bigger, more detailed, and, hopefully, even better than Soo Cubus, a game for which, despite its failings, I have a lot of pride.

Here's the thing, though. In order to provide better builds each release I need more time, and in order to have more time I need to not release a build every danged week. This is especially true since I plan on making the next game higher-res, which will require more drawing time. Here, then, is what's gonna happen:

- I plan on release the first build of the next game, whatever it's gonna be called, on December 2. This build will be for patrons only, because I wanna reward them for being so awesome to me.

- One month after that build (early January) I'll release that build to the public. From that point on I'll start releasing builds every two weeks. Consequently you'll get two builds per month rather than four. This may make many of you frown, but by the end of Soo Cubus people were starting to complain that the builds didn't seem all that different from one another, and this way you'll get more new stuff with each iteration.

- During this time I'll keep releasing builds of Soo Cubus. For all of November I'll continue to polish and refine it while working on the new game, kicking out the bugs and getting everything nice and neat and tidy. It still needs a lot of work, and I want to add more endings / animations / other stuff on top. Once I hit December Soo Cubus builds will come every other week, like the builds of the new game, and I'll probably do one game one week and the other game the next.

Subsequent builds of Soo Cubus are not likely to be substantially different, I'll warn you now. I'm gonna add stuff, yes, but what you see now is what you get, for the most part. Don't come back in three months expecting a different experience.

Soooo yeah, tl;dr: New game starting in December / January, Soo Cubus will keep getting little updates here and there, check out Patreon if you just can't stand not seeing the ending right this moment. You know you can't, you just know.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.5 / Week off

Howdy doo, fellows. New release ahoy.

The major addition this week was that of the rest of the ability animations, which you can locate most easily via the (now fixed) gallery selections in each of the hooking locations. The new animations are as follows:

- Alley - Chr

- Gas Station - Str and Chr

- Club - Str

- Library - Str

- Jail - Int

Pretty sure that's all of 'em. Let me know if I missed one.

I have also (finally) rejigged how Int affects ability animations. Your chances of getting these scenes doesn't get any higher once your Int moves past 100, which is more than high enough for the average game of Soo Cubus. This should prevent the ability animations from completely eclipsing the other, normal-tier animations.

I also ALSO balanced some of the ability bonuses. They're less game-shattering than they used to be. The result is a slightly less easy street, but still relatively fair, gaming experience. Also made sure they were all accurate to what was being said on the screen, as I know at least one of them simply didn't take away Stamina. (Feel free to correct me on that.)

Other changes:

- Added a New Game Plus mode! Of sorts. I said I wouldn't before, but I came up with a way to make it work that satisfies me. The idea is simple enough: beating the game once will allow you, during stat allocation on your next playthrough, to access an extra menu where you can give Soo bonuses. Each ending provides a unique bonus that makes playing through the game the next time at least a bit easier. Yes, even the 'bad' endings give you bonuses. I'll probably expand on it a bit in the future by adding additional animations unlocked by the endings..

... not to mention more endings period. There are two on there which cannot be unlocked yet (they're 'good' ending endings) so don't worry about it. Right now you can unlock... eleven, off the top of my head...? Pretty sure it's eleven. Will probably try and fill in the entire last row before I finish with Soo Cubus, bringing the total up to eighteen.

Please note that, at the moment, choosing a New Game from the main menu will wipe out the endings you've unlocked. I'm looking into ways to force the game to permanently save those variables without simply reloading the full game each time you open it up. Until I figure that out I suggest you choose Load Game unless you want to start over from scratch.

I've also noticed that the New Game Plus screen is a teensy bit laggy at times. No clue why, but I'll tinker. 

- Finally, FINALLY finished the 'fail' animations. The two added ones aren't amazingly amazing, but hell, they're there. I've also added all of the fail animations to the gallery modes.

- Added a few more cumshots. Ayup.

- Tinkered with assorted bugs that needed to be fixed. You won't get to simply date anyone you like upon restarting immediately, for example, and Sid / Su's cycling animations work again. (Assuming they were broken. Was that this week? I can't even remember anymore...)

Next week will not have a new build, as I made the executive decision (with the help of a poll 'mongst my Patrons) to power through this week, skip a build, and have the ending done for next week. And by ending I mean, of course, the 'good' ending that I've been talking about for a while. It's coming along nicely as of this writing, with a heavy reference to an old SNES RPG, and should be ready on time.

So yeah. You public people are on par with the patrons right now. Only for a week, and you have to wait two weeks for the new release, but... hey. Hey. Don't worry about it, yah? Don't worry about it.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.4 / 3.5 Preview

There is now a sort of 'limited' gallery mode in the game, as you can cycle through the animations in the various locations. This is a much-requested feature which wound up being a bit easier to do than I anticipated, though it took a hella long time to fully implement. The details:

- For the hookin' spots this only gets unlocked whenever you reach the top tier animations. Look for a small arrow near the cum button. These don't currently include 'substitutions' (as in the three female lovers hopping in to take Soo's place) but they will soon enough.

- Ability-based animations are included, but only the animation for the ability you chose. To see a different ability animation you need to choose that ability in a different game. Any ability animations that don't yet exist currently have a placeholder which I'll remove once I get enough work done.

- You can cycle through the lover animations at their respective houses from the get-go, though two of the animations for each character (date- and item-unlocked animations) will not appear until you've done what needs to be done to make them show up in the first place. Please note that Sid and Su are (as I recall) broken in this regard, and have been fixed for the next update.

- You can also cycle through the landlord animations, including the end-date animations, once you've done something. It's not too difficult to figure out. This also includes the beast sleepover animations, though similar to the ability animations above you can only see one beast per playthrough.

- No cycling through the sewers animations yet. I'll either make a side area for that or leave it for a 'true' gallery mode.

Yep. Besides the limited gallery shiznit there are a few other things:

- For the moment I've removed the music. It made the game too damned big, and I don't think anybody cared anyway. I'll probably put it (or something else) back in once the game is completed. Again, I would like to make an 8-bit-ish soundtrack for the game personally, but that's gonna take a while. I have an ear for music, and can play the guitar, but very little experience actually composing tracks.

Though the .mp3s are gone, the placeholders where the music should be are not. I've simply replaced each track with about one second of silence, and it's looping harmlessly in the background. I've tested the game quite a bit and this doesn't seem to have any ill effects on overall performance, but let me know if things go wonky at all with your audio.

- The cum button cycles back to the beginning of an animation when clicked enough times. This may not work for every animation, keep in mind, and it obviously doesn't do anything for animations that do not have a cumshot animation. I haven't had enough time to fully mess with this so don't expect it to work for absolutely everything in the game, but I'd say 85% - 90% of the time it should work. 

- As more or less the sole graphical thing that got a significant update, the library now looks significantly different. I did this so I can add background peeps, though I didn't have time to make tiny sprites this week. Expect one or two such peoples next week.

- Added checkmarks to the store so you know which items you've already bought without needing to check the status screen.

- Assorted little bug fixes. Didn't have as much time as I would've liked to do this; will probably make more significant inroads next week. There are a fair few bugs I'd like to stomp out.

Pre-Alpha 3.5 fixes a few of the issues above and smooths out the gallery stuff, so if the bugs bother you, I suggest jumping on Patreon and snagging that. As for new content...

Ooo, is that another ability animation? Why, it is! The last of them are in the game! But that's not all...

Hmmm. Those look like... unlockables... almost... almost like... New Game Plus unlockables... (Yes, okay, they're mainly stat boosts for unlocking endings, but... that's pretty sweet, no...?)

Friday, 7 October 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.3.5 / 3.4 Preview

3.3 is a touchup on what I began last week with the dating stuff. The highlights of this update:

- The animations unlocked after successfully completing a date have all been implemented for the six characters. Knock yourselves out.

- The immediately post-date stuff has been completed as well. Those of you who dated the women probably saw some interesting animations with the landlord; you can see them for every NPC now, assuming the landlord is still kickin' it human-style.

- Along those same lines, Amelia has some extra animations with the landlord - though they come at a cost. Assuming the two are set up, have a look around the hookin' areas. (I might add more of these animations later. You'll see what I mean.)

- Fixed a few minor issues with dating. Actors should not go flying all over the place anymore near the end of the date, for example. Let me know if this issue persists for anyone.

- Added sounds to more of the pre-existing animations. Not all, but a fair amount. Should get them all sounded-up within the next week or two.

- Sew is still chopped off at the waist during the date. Just remembered I forgot to fix that. Dammit!

- Probably other stuff I've forgotten. Worked a bit on some sound bugs; not 100% sure if they've been resolved, but there should at least be fewer problems.

This brings us to the month of October, which will likely be the last month where you see any substantial content-related additions to Soo Cubus. The game is almost done in terms of gameplay, and just needs a lot of polishing. I'll continue to do this on a regular basis.

3.4? Patreon? Not too much new content, but there's substantially greater access to the old stuff. That's right, there's a form of limited gallery mode now, as you can cycle through the animations you've unlocked once you reach the top 'tier' of animations in the hookin' locations. Not EVERYTHING is plugged in - the sewers still need work - but for the most part, everything you wanna see, you can see. Y'know, if you throw money at me. Enjoy!

Friday, 30 September 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.2 / 3.3 Preview

Build 3.2's new mechanic revolves around dating. It's a bit rough, as the coding / drawing took me fucking forever, and some things in this build haven't been finished / fully implemented. Here's what you can currently expect:

- Each date requires a full day, similar to exploring the sewer. There is no warning message yet; I'll put that in for next week. (The Stamina also doesn't get subtracted yet, because derp, so have fun with them.)

- You can date multiple times, though you can only have one SUCCESSFUL date. Once you lock down a successful date the icon for dating disappears. At the moment there's no 'locking down' a date, so go to town and do it as many times as you like without it disappearing.

- There is a shit-ton of dialogue jammed into this thing, and you'll get different responses from each character depending on your choices, as well as their likes and dislikes. There's as much dialogue in dating as there is in probably the rest of the game.

- Ultimately dating will unlock new animations for the NPC sleepovers. I have NOT completed these animations yet, as the dating sequence itself took for-fucking-ever. They're in the Patreon build, and will appear publicly next week.

- Nothing in dating is tied to your stats. It comes down to knowing the characters and making intuitive decisions based on what you think they would and would not like. (Though if you ALWAYS choose what they would like you'll miss out on a lot of dialogue. Just sayin'.)

- There are bonus animations tied into dating that involve one of the side NPCs. At the moment these only trigger after a successful date; eventually they will only trigger after a successful date and IF you HAVEN'T done something else in the game. Probably make more sense when you see the scenes. These bonus scenes only include the girls right now - eventually the guys will get in on it too.

- All that aside, I also re-did one of the normal animations (let's see if you can discover which one!), and the stadium and pub backdrops have been improved.

Yep. Dating. It still needs a bit more sparkle, and there's a lot of stuff still missing (obviously), but I find it to be rather fun, and getting to write all that dialogue was quite enjoyable.If exhausting. Let me know if there are any editing flubs. The dating mechanic is still a bit twitchy in general, but it should work enough to give you the gist of the final product. Enjoy! 

... oh, and the stuff mentioned above that ISN'T finished in 3.2? Yeah, it's in 3.3. So. If you want the full dating deal, head over to Patreon.

Monday, 26 September 2016

For all the good it will do...

Honestly. Stop commenting on the fact / complaining that I've put the 100 day restriction back in place. There's going to be a sandbox mode. I've pretty much always intended for there to be a sandbox mode, and it's going to be in the game as an unlockable.

The 100 day limit is there to make the game a challenge. I'm not making a pure sex simulator that's no challenge, I'm making a game. You are not meant to do everything in one playthrough, because from day one I've been designing Soo Cubus to have more stuff than you can plough through in 100 days. It's called replay value. You wanna see everything? Play through the game a second or third time. It doesn't take that long.

I have to assume the people complaining haven't bothered reading the story while playing. The 100 day limit is established right at the beginning. I'm not changing that aspect of the plot. I know you need to please your fans, but as a burgeoning game dev - and a creative type in general - I've also learned that you need to stick to your guns and not make some compromises. I'm not compromising on this.

I try to reply to as many comments as I can, but I'm tired of responding to the whole unlimited thing. I'm not going to anymore. Sandbox mode will be in the game, you'll have to unlock it, and that's that. Give it up. For my sanity.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Pre-Alpha 3.1 / 3.2 Preview

Short and to the point this week, because, folks, I'm fucking tired:

- Added background characters. Lots and lots of background characters. They're all over the place.

- Added music. Probably temporary. It'll do for now. Yay.

- Added sound. Lotsa moans and grunts and so forth. So sexy. Not everything under this category is done yet, mind.

Yep. Fun times. Aaaaaas for 3.2... on Patreon now (or, uh, shortly, as of this writing)... we have...

Date night...!

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.9.5 / 3.0 Preview / Next week I'm off

New build? New build. Let's do it.

Yes, Mindy is now a more 'robust' NPC than she used to be. She's not full-on relationship-y like the other NPCs, but there are still plenty of sexy animations to see. I got enough requests for her - and messages just kinda assuming she could be sexed - that I felt obliged.

Where is she? NOT TELLING! No hints, aside from a suggestion that you visit one of the locations a sizeable number of times. Like, oh, fifteen times or so. That should do it.

 (Okay, one other hint: you want to be ready for a fight. You get one chance to 'unlock' her. Just putting it out there.)

 Aside from Mindy getting the bork treatment I made a few other changes:

 - Added ending signs. The endings have names again. Yay! - Finally got around to pixelizing the 'Time's Up' ending, as well as Gus, the crazy hobo who appears during said ending.

- Added two more endings. Both of them are related to Mindy.

- Fixed a few minor things. There are always a few minor things.

- The infinite mode thing is gone. You hit 100 days, you're done. There are enough endings at this point - including the four key ending - that I feel comfortable wiping out unlimited time to play the game. Let complaining commence in 3... 2... 1...

- As for the .5 part of the title, I fixed a few things pertaining to the new content.

What do Patreon users get, you ask? I refer you to the screenshot below.

Notice a difference in this classic scene? You should: some lady is flashing some dude in the background. That is just one of many little background characters I have spread 'round the game. Each scene has its own allotment of background peeps, ranging from a single animation to several, and they will change whenever you leave and re-enter a scene. Hardy seemed lonely, so I gave it some friends.

... some friends with cumshots.

Also? Also also? Also also also? The female lovers might just pop up in the backgrounds as well. Might.

FINALLY, I just have to announce that I will likely not be putting out a public release next week. I'm moving from a Sunday / Monday release to a Friday / Saturday release, allowing me to, like, have a life again. The next release is going to be smaller than normal, since previously I jammed a lot of my work into the weekend, so I will probably bundle whatever I get done into the next public release two weeks from now. (Patreon users will get their once-a-week release per normal.)

And in case anyone asks why I'm doing this, it's partly because it takes quite a while to do a public release of a build, and I don't really have time next weekend. SO, y'know, see you in two weeks, folks.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.8 / 2.9 Preview

Howdy folks. It's a gooey week this week. The changes:

- CUMSHOTS! Tons and tons of cumshots. I didn't get them all done, but at this point I think most of the animations (maybe 75 - 80%) where a cumshot is warranted now, indeed, possesses a cumshot. A little red button appears when you can cum the shot. Yay!

Do note that, no, I didn't get all of them done. Will be done in two weeks. There are also a few, mainly those with two female characters, where I'm less certain how I should proceed. Mass squirting? I guess that could work. I'll continue to ponder. Nevertheless, there are some animations where you're just not gonna see a cumshot.

- Bug fixes. I went through a bunch of the comments I got here and on forums and fixed some things that needed fixing. A lot of it is minor stuff that most players may not even notice, but, there you go. Many thanks to everybody who contributed.

- In particular, I fixed the revive thing. It should work properly now, regardless of which attack you use to beat... erm... someone. Yay! Revive those dead peeps! Yell at me if it continues to fuck up, though I tested it earlier in the week and it worked fine.

- Also realized that Sew's fourth animation, tied to her item, somehow didn't make it into the game last week. No clue how I missed that. This has been rectified.

In addition to the cumshots I made a concerted effort this week to integrate sounds into the game. I made some headway, and there are snipped moans and some other sound effects in the game now, but I disabled them temporarily, until I have a better grasp on how I want 'em to work. More than likely I'll tie the sound effects to particular frames in each animation. Tweaking underway; will probably take a while.

As for the preeeevieeeeew...

Yup. You go Patreon, you go Mindy.

Thursday, 1 September 2016


By god, people are DRAWING Soo Cubus now. That's so cool it seems almost borderline silly. I won't do this for all fanart that comes my way, likely, but I was so tickled pink by this submission that I wanted to share the picture on the main page:

I mean, damn, that's good, isn't it? I sure as hell think so. Just look at that dude's dangly balls. He's so fucking old. Many thanks to Coinicopia from the Legend of Krystal forums for creating this gem.

(Dude works like a beast, apparently, and he did another one. I'll throw it up here, too, for shits 'n giggles. The people who kept asking for a horse in the game should be happy with this pic.)

This is also a notice that I have created a Fanart section! I wanna redesign the site a bit when I have spare time, so I'll make a more noticeable icon in the future, but for now there's a little link on the sidebar for fanart submissions. Feel free to submit your own to the email I tossed up there and I'll happily throw it into the gallery.

Dang. Fanart. For something as ridiculous as Soo Cubus. This is the weirdest honour I've received in a long time.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.7 / 2.8 Preview

I don't wanna get into what you'll find in 2.7 too much, as it's rather... climactic, I guess? Let's just say that, hey, maybe you can enter the tower. Maybe. So, y'know, start collecting those keys.

2.8, by contrast, is light on new material. That said, it can be summed up in one word:


Lots of 'em. Yay! Go to Patreon for oodles of drippy, drippy cum! Because, like, you all love the stuff, right? Right?

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.6 / 2.7 Preview

Whizzin' along nicely, with some fancy early game stuff for you to enjoy. The highlights:

- HoboFights! A brand-new area which I'm hoping will be at least a partial answer to the early game woes. Unlocked right away, HoboFights lift the battle system from other parts of the game and drops it into the streets. Fight hobos for cash and other potential prizes (namely rare items for NPCs). Since you start off really weak, Soo gets an automatic, temporary +10 to her Charisma while HoboFighting so she doesn't die after one hit.

Be warned: the hobos get stronger as the days progress. If you are weak they will stomp you. (Though the results of said stomping are sexy.)

- A new icon! You'll see it on your own. It doesn't do much yet. YET.

- A status screen! Here you can see all the items you've purchased. This includes the keys you've found. These will all get goofy descriptions when highlighted. It occurs to me now that Sew's key is not properly announced in a cut scene; it will be next week, hopefully. (You get it by purchasing her item and staring down Big D.)

- A slightly revamped stats bar! Soo blinks! Also, icons. Yay!

- One new item animation! I'd hoped to get them all done, but then I sliced my finger, and then I thought up HoboFights, and once the finger healed I became obsessed with implementing said HoboFights. I'll get the last three done this week. Joe gets the fun this time.

- A few fixes. No exclamation mark. The no Stamina boost thing after the NPC intros, for example, should be fixed now, though if you Skip the intro you jump back to the city without seeing a scene at the NPC's house. One thing after another.

And the preview for 2.7? Wellllllllllll...


Sunday, 14 August 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.5.2 / 2.6 Preview

2.5.2! This release was technically rather complex, so I needed to go back and fix some stuff. (The .2 was in anticipation of at least one other release last week, but it didn't happen. Lucky.) The highlights:

- New items in the store. Six of them. Does that number seem familiar at all? It should. Each one has an effect on things listed below. Each item will also unlock one extra animation per NPC, though I haven't finished most of them yet. Only Guy's got done.

 I suspect these items will probably annoy people at first, as they essentially put a roadblock in front of the NPCs. They're going to do more in the future, so... you'll just have to grin and bear it at this point.

 - The lovers all have extra scenes which may or may not go well, depending on your purchases. If they don't go well...

 - The aftermath of the battle with Big D is quite different if you fight him with significant NPC interactions, and the game may not end depending on your choices. This choice will also, ultimately, be tied into which NPC will appear in the game's 'best' ending, which, at the moment, doesn't exist. Soon!

 - Some of the conversations outlined above change depending on which items you own and which NPCs are involved. Sound confusing? It is!

 - There are two new endings, and one new battle. I'll let you find 'em on your own. (Hint: Play badly. But not too badly. Savvy? I don't think many people will see one of the endings unless they really go looking for it.) - Messed with the numbers in many ways. It takes fewer visits to the church and strip club to get to Amelia and Sew's homes, for example. Wanted to compress the experience a little. Chances are good y'all won't notice these changes too much.

 - The Leave button on the horse races can no longer be used when you've lost a bet. I swear that wasn't an issue in earlier releases, but... alas...

 - Fixed Mindy's dialogue in the shop. Yay.

Aaaaaaaas for the preview...

HOBOFIIIIIGHTS! A new area where you can earn cash (and occasional prizes) for beating the shit out of hobos. And if you lose? Well, the result is predictable. Also included are two more animations tied to items, a status screen, aaaaaand a new icon on the city map. Oooo...!

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Soo Cubus Pre-Alpha 2.4 / 2.5 Preview

Eesh. Seems like every update these days is just a new build. Probably has to do with entering spoiler territory - I don't wanna get too far ahead in the game.

ANYWAY. New build! What to expect:

- Hard Mode isn't complete, but the prize for embarking 'ponst it is: a new area, as hinted. I'll let those brave souls who want to try it out give the place a go. You won't unlock it until fairly late in the game, and it's for aesthetics only, but I tried to make the prize well worth the effort. Plan to add more animations to it in the future, as well; for the moment there are four. Click the picture to make a new picture pop up without having to leave the screen. (Should really remove the randomization aspect of this, and will. Eventually.)

I've realized since release of this build that the Hard Mode area will unlock in any mode. Way to go, Sexums. That's fixed in the latest build. Enjoy it for now, I guess.

- (Hard Mode also is appreciably harder, since you don't get stat boosts and the rent is higher. So...maybe it's done? Maybe I shouldn't make it impossible? We'll see.)

- The sewers have been overhauled dramatically. You can now choose from one of three paths, each of which has its own share of monsters. The limit left on how long you have in the sewers is now displayed on the screen, as are your stats.  There are also 60 new 'encounters', more or less, which rely on your stats for resolution. Have fun!

I may change the prizes you get from delving into the sewers and making it all the way through the paths in the future. Or at the very least I'll randomize what you can get.

- Speaking of the sewers, there are three more monsters. One of them is more of a joke monster that should amuse D&D fans / nerds in general.

- Amelia has her 'filling in' animation. Missed it last time. Whoopsie.

- Last, a few new backgrounds. Yup.

As for next weeeeek...

... well, decisions, decisions. MOST of the stuff pertains to the six lovers, including items that relate to each of them - and a way to lose them. Permanently. (Okay, semi-permanently.) There are a ton of new cut scenes, two new animations, two new endings, a new battle, and lotsa tweaks. I would put an image up, but, spoilers, dood. Spoilers.

We're closing in on the finish line, slowly but surely. Enjoy!

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Soo Cubus Pre-Alpha 2.3.5 / 2.4 Patron Preview.

It is, once again, that time. The highlights:

- Amelia has a house, a sex scene, and three sex animations. Standard fare. With her finished, that brings a close to the NPCs! Yaaay! They still get lots more stuff to do, obviously, but there aren't any more match-making peeps planned. (For the moment, anyway. Six is already a lot on my plate for the planned 'good' ending.)

- All six of the lovers also have introductory scenes that shine more of a light on their personalities and provide some extra humour. These lead into sleepovers, but the initial sleepovers are a bit mucked at the moment, and a day won't actually pass. Click the icon again and things are normal.

- Another item has been stuffed into the mall. This one has a purpose that should be obvious if you've played through the game a few times, and lets you bypass one of the endings and get at, potentially, two other endings.

- Speaking of which, there's another branching path that can lead to a battle. You'll find it on your own. (Coincidentally, the slimy ending is back! Not a hint at all!)

- 'Enhanced' a few more backgrounds. Nothing drastic.

- Tinkered with the sewers some more. I think I'm going to spend a bunch of time on them this coming week - they're bare-bones and a little boring at the moment.

- And, in advance, I know Mindy's intro text is broken. Discovered that right at the end, looked at the time, and said 'Fuck it'. Big ol fuck it.

As for 2.4, available on Patreon...

... well, the sewers look a little different... and have a few new monsters... oh, and Hard Mode is functional now, and opens up a new areaaaaaa... yep. STUFF.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Sid bug problem.

One of the ever-helpful users on Legend of Krystal alerted me to the fact that the sex cut scene with Sid is bugged. DO NOT CHOOSE MOVIES OVER SEX WHEN SPEAKING TO SID. This option is currently borked in this build, and, I suppose, the next one as well. Very irritating, as it leads to a straight-up freeze. Working on a fix now. Just... get your fill of the movies before you go boff Sid at his house.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.2 / Pre-Alpha 2.3 Preview!

Need to stop leaving this until late, late at night. I am dumb. New stuff:

 - New graphics. All of the characters have pixelated cut scene counterparts, more or less completely replacing the traditional art. Many have new animations, as well. (The thug from Sew's intro scene has been cut out to save a bit of space. Not sure if I'll add him back or not.)

 - Revamped cut scenes. There are only two 'slice' scenes in each one, where there used to be three, but these are now animated. Not sure if I'll go back to three or not.

 - Sid now has a sex scene. Yay!

 - The endings have not been fully redrawn yet. I was trying to get them done, started to rush, realized the art quality would suffer, and decided to hold off. In the meantime they still have the same ol' art in place.

 - 'Enhanced' backgrounds. I wanted to get to them all; only managed to change a couple. Over the next week I'm planning to finish them up. These were of secondary importance to finishing the character art.

 Please let me know if any of the sprites in the revamped areas are off-centre or anything. I tested as much as I could, and I don't think there are any issues, but it's possible some of the sex scenes aren't properly positioned anymore.

As for Pre-Alpha 2.3, well, more new graphics! Alsooooo...

By god, is that a nun? And a robot? In an airship? Maybe.

(Also, patrons, in case you're seeing this and wondering where YOUR new version is, it's coming shortly. Just have a few things to tidy up and finish. Gimme an hour or two. None of you should be awake right now anyway.)

Monday, 18 July 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.1 / 2.2 preview.

Yep. New stuff:

- Sid is ready for consumption. There's a new animation tacked onto the theatre specifically for him, and once it's done his house opens up. You know what to do from there. Note that there is NOT a sex scene attached to his house like the other NPCs yet, as I didn't want to start one until I begin committed work on the cut scene pixel conversion.

- Similar to Sew, it's possible to bork your chances with Sid - though in order to go after him you need to make a sacrifice. Choose wisely!

- Added more random attribute animations. By my count there are seven left to do. Gettin' there.

- Tied to that, the chances of random events going off have been upped to one in twenty. That said, I increased the value of Int by tying it into this formula. The higher your Int, the greater the chances a random event will go off. At the moment this will eventually override normal animations altogether, so eventually I'll introduce a mathematical ceiling to prevent the normal animations from vanishing. Ran out of time this week.

- Tweaked a few of the random events to make them less OP.

- Fixed a few glitches. That goddamned Charisma stat boost at the Pub is finally repaired. (I think.)

As for the Patreon-exclusive release...

I like the way the church looks better these days. Though the carpet could look a little more 3D, if you know what I mean.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Next build will be a day late.

I'm likely holding back the next Patron-only build until Tuesday so I can finish work on overhauling the sprite graphics. Because I release both public and patron-only builds more or less simultaneously, and because it's such an involved process, I'm going to hold back the public build as well. You'll probably see it on Monday night / Tuesday morning. Sorry, Sid fans.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Pre-Alpha 2.0.5!

2.0.5?! What madness be this? Yes, I fucked something up in the last patron-only build, so I released a quick patch job. I'll just bypass the borked version with you public folks and go straight to 2.0.5. The new stuff:

- More ability-specific animations. Getting close to done. Soon every area will have one specific animation for each ability. (Upon testing and seeing them again there's one in the club I really don't like, and will probably replace it in the near future.)

- A new animation for the alley, finally bringing it up to three. I don't really like the 'best' one all that much, to be honest, but it'll do for now. 

- A new animation for the landlord, and slightly stiffer penalties for not paying your rent. Occasionally he'll sap Soo of an ability point.

- Added the four beasts in the sewers. Each beast is relatively rare, is tied to a specific ability, and requires some hefty stats to ward off. You'll only find one beast per game, as you can only have one ability at a time. This includes a Hard Mode beast, so despite what the ability screen says, you will find different content there. 

- In addition, besting the beasts will also unlock occasional, unique animations when you sleep at night, having paid your rent. The beast you beat will come to pay an altogether more cordial visit, with a significant payoff for each. (Those of you facing the HardBeast, let me know if the results are... wonky. I didn't have enough time to sufficiently test her bonus, and depending on feedback I may change it to something more run-of-the-mill. And before anyone says anything, yes, the StrBeast's bedtime animation has some holes in it. They have been fixed in the next build.)

- Tied to the four beasts, I've temporarily increased the limits for getting the Slimy Ending in the sewers. You'd need to explore the sewers for a few years real time to get the ending, I suspect, given the number of digits I added to the original flag.

- I know the Pub's freebie Charisma box is borked. I kept forgetting to change it because it was such a minor issue. It is fixed in the next build. You can stop telling me. (Though thank you to those who did.)

- Last, somewhat unexciting, I fixed an exploit that allowed players to cheat the horse races. Thanks to those players who pointed it out.

It's up. It's ready. Go to.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Art vs. pixel comparison.

This change is more or less what you're voting for, FYI. Though I'm not sure if I'm married to the thick outline or not.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Pre-Alpha 1.9, and the advent of items.

It's SunMonday, which means it's also update day. On the docket this week:

- The mall is now open for business. You can purchase basic items that both boost your stats temporarily and permanently. Not sure if the temporary stat boosts items will remain in play, but the permanent ones are expensive enough that they don't break the game, and I've found them rather handy while testing. There's also one super-expensive item that should satisfy some players. Plenty more to come in the future. (And no, you won't find any secrets by hitting those blacked-out boxes. Ze toggles do nuzing!)

- Added a bunch of animations tied to specific abilities chosen at the beginning of the game, and tied a few of the existing random encounters to those same abilities. I'd ultimately like to have one random event for each ability at each location; at the moment all of them except the library have one. By next week there will be more.

- Also added more animations in general. The landlord gets another one, which will be part of a later 'punishment' series to make the game a bit tougher, and the gas station, street, church, and prison all have three normal animations. (I swear I did another one, but I can't remember which it was.)

- Added 'Give In' and 'Leave' buttons to the sewers. You can now submit to monsters to your hearts' desires. Also tried to make it so monsters will show up a bit more often by tweaking the effects of Int on your progress through the sewers. Will continue to mess with this formula going forward, as well.

-Yes, at last, fixed the bug that keeps you in the sewers after Joe's warning. You'll be shunted outside instead. No more slime monster ending. (Unless you go looking for it, I guess.)

- Last, added a little Patreon symbol that links to this page. Hint hint.

You know where to go by now. Next week: more animations to add to the pile, tweaks to the sewers, and the addition of the ability beasts that I pimped out earlier. There are four, and they are (sexually) ravenous.

Also, probably, other stuff. Enjoy!

Saturday, 2 July 2016


I meant to post this a few days ago, but I lost track of time. Meet Mindy, the storeowner in the next public update. She will sell you things! I anticipate people will want to see her having sex, which I may will probably will almost certainly implement in a future update.

Mindy's creation leads me to an important question which I've been mulling over for a while, now: should I convert the cut scene art to pixel art, and just have a full-on pixel game? Pretty much all of the praise I've gotten for Soo Cubus has been for the delicious pixels, and by this point I've more or less decided I'm a better sprite artist than I am a, y'know, real artist. I can also animate the cut scene stuff to at least a small degree, which I'm hesitant to try with traditional art.

Vote on the poll to the right and help me decide, plz. I suspect the pixel art camp will win, though I may hold out for an overwhelming majority before I make the full-on 'change' decision. If I do get rid of the traditional art (which, honestly, would help pare down the game's size by a decent bit) I'll post the pictures in a gallery on the blog, so they're at least not gone forever.